Freeze casting: from low‐dimensional building blocks to aligned porous structures—a review of novel materials, methods, and applications
Freeze casting, also known as ice templating, is a particularly versatile technique that has
been applied extensively for the fabrication of well‐controlled biomimetic porous materials …
been applied extensively for the fabrication of well‐controlled biomimetic porous materials …
Microbial fuel cells: An overview of current technology
Research into alternative renewable energy generation is a priority, due to the ever-
increasing concern of climate change. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are one potential avenue …
increasing concern of climate change. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are one potential avenue …
Silver nanoparticles boost charge-extraction efficiency in Shewanella microbial fuel cells
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) can directly convert the chemical energy stored in organic matter
to electricity and are of considerable interest for power generation and wastewater …
to electricity and are of considerable interest for power generation and wastewater …
Progress on anodic modification materials and future development directions in microbial fuel cells
J Ma, J Zhang, Y Zhang, Q Guo, T Hu, H **ao… - Journal of Power …, 2023 - Elsevier
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs), as a promising sustainable bioelectrochemical energy
technology for simultaneous wastewater recycling and treatments while generating …
technology for simultaneous wastewater recycling and treatments while generating …
Functional graphene nanomaterials based architectures: biointeractions, fabrications, and emerging biological applications
Functional graphene nanomaterials (FGNs) are fast emerging materials with extremely
unique physical and chemical properties and physiological ability to interfere and/or interact …
unique physical and chemical properties and physiological ability to interfere and/or interact …
Carbon‐based microbial‐fuel‐cell electrodes: from conductive supports to active catalysts
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have attracted considerable interest due to their potential in
renewable electrical power generation using the broad diversity of biomass and organic …
renewable electrical power generation using the broad diversity of biomass and organic …
Multiscale architected porous materials for renewable energy conversion and storage
Before replacing fossil fuels, renewable energy options should overcome conversion and
storage challenges. Therefore, it is crucial to develop advanced materials that may enhance …
storage challenges. Therefore, it is crucial to develop advanced materials that may enhance …
Oxygen reduction reaction catalysts used in microbial fuel cells for energy-efficient wastewater treatment: a review
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as an energy-efficient wastewater treatment technology have
attracted increasing interest in the past decade. Cathode catalysts for the oxygen reduction …
attracted increasing interest in the past decade. Cathode catalysts for the oxygen reduction …
Porous graphene materials for advanced electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices
Combining the advantages from both porous materials and graphene, porous graphene
materials have attracted vast interests due to their large surface areas, unique porous …
materials have attracted vast interests due to their large surface areas, unique porous …
Three-dimensional macro-structures of two-dimensional nanomaterials
If two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials are ever to be utilized as components of practical,
macroscopic devices on a large scale, there is a complementary need to controllably …
macroscopic devices on a large scale, there is a complementary need to controllably …