Two-dimensional photonic crystal based sensor for pressure sensing
K Vijaya Shanthi, S Robinson - Photonic sensors, 2014 - Springer
In this paper, a two-dimensional photonic crystal (2DPC) based pressure sensor is proposed
and designed, and the sensing characteristics such as the sensitivity and dynamic range are …
and designed, and the sensing characteristics such as the sensitivity and dynamic range are …
Design and analysis of 2D photonic crystal based biosensor to detect different blood components
In this paper, a photonic crystal ring resonator based bio sensor is designed to sense
different blood constituents in blood in the wavelength range of 1530 nm‒1615 nm for …
different blood constituents in blood in the wavelength range of 1530 nm‒1615 nm for …
Design of two-dimensional photonic crystal-based biosensor for abnormal tissue analysis
A Asuvaran, G Elatharasan - Silicon, 2022 - Springer
The identification and subsequent classification of different brain tissues is critical for
detecting abnormalities during robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery that includes …
detecting abnormalities during robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery that includes …
[PDF][PDF] 2D Photonic crystal based biosensor using rhombic ring resonator for glucose monitoring
T Suganya, S Robinson - ICTACT Microelectron, 2017 - ictactjournals.in
A 2D photonic crystal based biosensor using rhombic ring resonator is proposed and
designed for monitoring the concentrations of glucose. The optical characteristics of rhombic …
designed for monitoring the concentrations of glucose. The optical characteristics of rhombic …
Design and performance analysis of a novel optical biosensor for measuring glucose concentration in urine
This paper presents a diamond-shaped biosensor using a two-dimensional photonic crystal
to measure the glucose concentration in urine. The proposed sensor is designed to operate …
to measure the glucose concentration in urine. The proposed sensor is designed to operate …
[PDF][PDF] Design of 2D photonic crystal based force sensor using paralleloid ring resonator
T Suganya, S Robinson - Journal on Microelectronics, 2017 - ictactjournals.in
A 2D photonic crystal based force sensor using paralleloid ring resonator is proposed and
designed for sensing the force. An elastooptic effect method is utilized to analyze the force …
designed for sensing the force. An elastooptic effect method is utilized to analyze the force …
Nanocomposite material, tunable resistor device, and method
JW Mares, SM Weiss - US Patent 9,231,209, 2016 - Google Patents
Various embodiments of a composite material are provided. In one embodiment of the
present invention a nanometer scale composite material comprises, by Volume, from about …
present invention a nanometer scale composite material comprises, by Volume, from about …
Micro displacement sensor design based on photonic crystal emulating MOEMS for detection of acoustic signals
KV Ullal, P Sharan - 2015 IEEE International Advance …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper explores the detection of the acoustic signals underwater with a MOEMS
structure. The movement of the micro optical elements, which manipulates the light passes …
structure. The movement of the micro optical elements, which manipulates the light passes …
Silicon Photonics for Biosensing Applications
Although reports of biosensing devices have only occurred over the past 50 years, humans
have essentially been performing biological and chemical detection for millennia. Antibodies …
have essentially been performing biological and chemical detection for millennia. Antibodies …
Optimization of core-shell nanoparticle layers for optical biosensing
N Waly - 2011 - archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de
In this work we constructed and optimized a label-free biosensor which is based on a
combination of surface plasmon resonance and reflectometric interference. Both techniques …
combination of surface plasmon resonance and reflectometric interference. Both techniques …