Applications of Google Earth Engine in fluvial geomorphology for detecting river channel change
Cloud‐based computing, access to big geospatial data, and virtualization, whereby users
are freed from computational hardware and data management logistics, could revolutionize …
are freed from computational hardware and data management logistics, could revolutionize …
Truths of the Riverscape: Moving beyond command-and-control to geomorphologically informed nature-based river management
Truths of the Riverscape refer to the use of geomorphological principles to inform
sustainable approaches to nature-based river management. Across much of the world a …
sustainable approaches to nature-based river management. Across much of the world a …
Remote sensing of river corridors: A review of current trends and future directions
River corridors play a crucial environmental, economic, and societal role yet also represent
one of the world's most dangerous natural hazards, making monitoring imperative to …
one of the world's most dangerous natural hazards, making monitoring imperative to …
[HTML][HTML] The use of satellite remote sensing for exploring river meander migration
Meandering rivers are complex systems that support high rates of biodiversity and the
livelihoods of millions of inhabitants through their ecological services. Meandering rivers are …
livelihoods of millions of inhabitants through their ecological services. Meandering rivers are …
Global observations of riverbank erosion and accretion from Landsat imagery
Riverbank migration has historically been seen as a risk to infrastructure that can be
combated through channelization, bank stabilization, and sediment trap**. The physical …
combated through channelization, bank stabilization, and sediment trap**. The physical …
RivWidthCloud: An automated Google Earth Engine algorithm for river width extraction from remotely sensed imagery
The wetted width of a river is one of the most important hydraulic parameters that can be
readily measured using remote sensing. Remotely sensed river widths are used to estimate …
readily measured using remote sensing. Remotely sensed river widths are used to estimate …
High spatiotemporal resolution of river planform dynamics from Landsat: The RivMAP toolbox and results from the Ucayali River
Quantifying planform changes of large and actively migrating rivers such as those in the
tropical Amazon at multidecadal time scales, over large spatial domains, and with high …
tropical Amazon at multidecadal time scales, over large spatial domains, and with high …
Automated extraction of meandering river morphodynamics from multitemporal remotely sensed data
We introduce P y RIS, an automated, process-based software for extracting extensive
meandering and anabranching river morphodynamics from multitemporal satellite imagery …
meandering and anabranching river morphodynamics from multitemporal satellite imagery …
[HTML][HTML] The pace of global river meandering influenced by fluvial sediment supply
Meandering rivers move gradually across the floodplains, and this river movement presents
socioeconomic risks along river corridors and regulates terrestrial biogeochemical cycles …
socioeconomic risks along river corridors and regulates terrestrial biogeochemical cycles …
Permafrost slows Arctic riverbank erosion
The rate of river migration affects the stability of Arctic infrastructure and communities, and
regulates the fluxes of carbon,, nutrients and sediment, to the oceans. However, predicting …
regulates the fluxes of carbon,, nutrients and sediment, to the oceans. However, predicting …