Old wine in new bottles or novel challenges: a critical analysis of empirical studies of user experience

JA Bargas-Avila, K Hornbæk - Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on …, 2011‏ - dl.acm.org
This paper reviews how empirical research on User Experience (UX) is conducted. It
integrates products, dimensions of experience, and methodologies across a systematically …

The'hedonic'in human-computer interaction: history, contributions, and future research directions

S Diefenbach, N Kolb, M Hassenzahl - Proceedings of the 2014 …, 2014‏ - dl.acm.org
Over the recent years, the notion of a non-instrumental, hedonic quality of interactive
products received growing interest. Based on a review of 151 publications, we summarize …

Someone out there? A study on the social presence of anthropomorphized chatbots

E Konya-Baumbach, M Biller, S von Janda - Computers in Human Behavior, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Companies are increasingly employing text-based chatbots as a time and cost-efficient way
to interact with customers. While companies begin to explore anthropomorphic chatbot …

Engaged to a robot? The role of AI in service

MH Huang, RT Rust - Journal of Service Research, 2021‏ - journals.sagepub.com
This article develops a strategic framework for using artificial intelligence (AI) to engage
customers for different service benefits. This framework lays out guidelines of how to use …

Gen Y customer loyalty in online shop**: An integrated model of trust, user experience and branding

A Bilgihan - Computers in human behavior, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Generational theory posits that generational cohorts develop similar attitudes and beliefs.
Gen Y, Millennials, will become the largest customer segment for hotels worldwide. This …

Towards a unified customer experience in online shop** environments: Antecedents and outcomes

A Bilgihan, J Kandampully, T Zhang - International Journal of Quality …, 2016‏ - emerald.com
Purpose–New developments in e-commerce and m-commerce technologies along with the
wide adoption of mobile devices and social media have enabled companies to enhance …

[HTML][HTML] Can you smell the (virtual) roses? The influence of olfactory cues in virtual reality on immersion and positive brand responses

K Cowan, S Ketron, A Kostyk, K Kristofferson - Journal of retailing, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Virtual reality (VR) has grown in popularity and technological ability, offering wider potential
for retailers to immerse consumers in branded experiences. On the industry side, experts …

The influence of online store beliefs on consumer online impulse buying: A model and empirical application

T Verhagen, W Van Dolen - Information & management, 2011‏ - Elsevier
Our study provides insight into the relationships between online store beliefs and consumer
online impulse buying behavior. Drawing upon cognitive emotion theory, we developed a …

How can online store layout design and atmosphere influence consumer shop** intention on a website?

WY Wu, CL Lee, CS Fu, HC Wang - International Journal of Retail & …, 2013‏ - emerald.com
Purpose–Online retailing has attracted a lot of attention in recent years due to its great
potential and significant implications for buyers and sellers. This study adopts the stimulus …

The effect of visual and interactive features of tourism live streaming on tourism consumers' willingness to participate

C Ye, R Zheng, L Li - Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2022‏ - Taylor & Francis
The COVID-19 pandemic harms offline tourism activities. Tourism live streaming that
combines tourism and live broadcasting has entered people's vision and achieved rapid …