Little peaks with big effects: establishing the role of minor plant volatiles in plant–insect interactions
Plants emit complex mixtures of volatile organic compounds from floral and vegetative
tissue, especially after herbivore damage, so it is difficult to associate individual compounds …
tissue, especially after herbivore damage, so it is difficult to associate individual compounds …
Bergamotenes: A comprehensive compile of their natural occurrence, biosynthesis, toxicity, therapeutic merits and agricultural applications
Sesquiterpenoids constitute the largest subgroup of terpenoids that have numerous
applications in pharmaceutical, flavor, and fragrance industries as well as biofuels …
applications in pharmaceutical, flavor, and fragrance industries as well as biofuels …
Phenotypic selection to increase floral scent emission, but not flower size or colour in bee‐pollinated Penstemon digitalis
Fragrance is a putatively important character in the evolution of flowering plants, but natural
selection on scent is rarely studied and thus poorly understood. We characterized floral …
selection on scent is rarely studied and thus poorly understood. We characterized floral …
Herbivore‐induced volatile emission in black poplar: Regulation and role in attracting herbivore enemies
After herbivory, plants release volatile organic compounds from damaged foliage as well as
from nearby undamaged leaves that attract herbivore enemies. Little is known about what …
from nearby undamaged leaves that attract herbivore enemies. Little is known about what …
Responses of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) to different host plants: Implications for its management strategy
Background The selection of suitable host plants for oviposition is critical for herbivorous
insects to maximise survival of their offspring. Olfaction plays an important role in this …
insects to maximise survival of their offspring. Olfaction plays an important role in this …
Working towards a holistic view on flower traits—how floral scents mediate plant–animal interactions in concert with other floral characters
Flowers are complex structures, synchronously displaying both olfactory and visual
signals/cues in the context of a particular floral morphology, that also vary in resource …
signals/cues in the context of a particular floral morphology, that also vary in resource …
Composition of epiphytic bacterial communities differs on petals and leaves
The epiphytic bacterial communities colonising roots and leaves have been described for
many plant species. In contrast, microbiologists have rarely considered flowers of naturally …
many plant species. In contrast, microbiologists have rarely considered flowers of naturally …
Microhabitat heterogeneity across leaves and flower organs promotes bacterial diversity
Eukaryote-associated microbiomes interact with their hosts in multiple manners, thereby
affecting the hosts' phenotype, physical condition and behaviour. In plants, bacteria have …
affecting the hosts' phenotype, physical condition and behaviour. In plants, bacteria have …
Terpenes from herbivore‐induced tomato plant volatiles attract Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae), a predator of major tomato pests
BACKGROUND Biological control plays a key role in reducing crop damage by Tuta
absoluta (Meyrick) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), which cause huge yield …
absoluta (Meyrick) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), which cause huge yield …
Extreme diversification of floral volatiles within and among species of Lithophragma (Saxifragaceae)
A major challenge in evolutionary biology is to understand how complex traits of multiple
functions have diversified and codiversified across interacting lineages and geographic …
functions have diversified and codiversified across interacting lineages and geographic …