Preconditioning techniques for large linear systems: a survey

M Benzi - Journal of computational Physics, 2002‏ - Elsevier
This article surveys preconditioning techniques for the iterative solution of large linear
systems, with a focus on algebraic methods suitable for general sparse matrices. Covered …

SuperLU_DIST: A scalable distributed-memory sparse direct solver for unsymmetric linear systems

XS Li, JW Demmel - ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS …, 2003‏ -
We present the main algorithmic features in the software package SuperLU_DIST, a
distributed-memory sparse direct solver for large sets of linear equations. We give in detail …

A recursive algebraic coloring technique for hardware-efficient symmetric sparse matrix-vector multiplication

C Alappat, A Basermann, AR Bishop… - ACM Transactions on …, 2020‏ -
The symmetric sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SymmSpMV) is an important building
block for many numerical linear algebra kernel operations or graph traversal applications …

Fine-grained parallel incomplete LU factorization

E Chow, A Patel - SIAM journal on Scientific Computing, 2015‏ - SIAM
This paper presents a new fine-grained parallel algorithm for computing an incomplete LU
factorization. All nonzeros in the incomplete factors can be computed in parallel and …

What color is your Jacobian? Graph coloring for computing derivatives

AH Gebremedhin, F Manne, A Pothen - SIAM review, 2005‏ - SIAM
Graph coloring has been employed since the 1980s to efficiently compute sparse Jacobian
and Hessian matrices using either finite differences or automatic differentiation. Several …

[ספר][B] Computer solution of large linear systems

G Meurant - 1999‏ -
This book deals with numerical methods for solving large sparse linear systems of
equations, particularly those arising from the discretization of partial differential equations. It …

A parallel graph coloring heuristic

MT Jones, PE Plassmann - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 1993‏ - SIAM
The problem of computing good graph colorings arises in many diverse applications, such
as in the estimation of sparse Jacobians and in the development of efficient, parallel iterative …

[ספר][B] Automatic performance tuning of sparse matrix kernels

RW Vuduc - 2003‏ -
This dissertation presents an automated system to generate highly efficient, platform-
adapted implementations of sparse matrix kernels. We show that conventional …

Linear solvers for reservoir simulation problems: An overview and recent developments

S Nardean, M Ferronato, A Abushaikha - Archives of Computational …, 2022‏ - Springer
Linear solvers for reservoir simulation applications are the objective of this review.
Specifically, we focus on techniques for Fully Implicit (FI) solution methods, in which the set …

The Zoltan and Isorropia parallel toolkits for combinatorial scientific computing: Partitioning, ordering and coloring

EG Boman, ÜV Çatalyürek, C Chevalier… - Scientific …, 2012‏ -
Partitioning and load balancing are important problems in scientific computing that can be
modeled as combinatorial problems using graphs or hypergraphs. The Zoltan toolkit was …