The West African Sahel: A review of recent studies on the rainfall regime and its interannual variability

SE Nicholson - International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The West African Sahel is well known for the severe droughts that ravaged the region in the
1970s and 1980s. Meteorological research on the region has flourished during the last …

Equatorial Atlantic variability—Modes, mechanisms, and global teleconnections

JF Lübbecke, B Rodríguez‐Fonseca… - Wiley …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Sea surface temperature (SST) variability in the tropical Atlantic Ocean strongly impacts the
climate on the surrounding continents. On interannual time scales, highest SST variability …

Global distribution, trends, and drivers of flash drought occurrence

JI Christian, JB Basara, ED Hunt, JA Otkin… - Nature …, 2021 -
Flash drought is characterized by a period of rapid drought intensification with impacts on
agriculture, water resources, ecosystems, and the human environment. Addressing these …

The ITCZ and the seasonal cycle over equatorial Africa

SE Nicholson - Bulletin of the American Meteorological …, 2018 -
The common explanation for the progression of the rainy season over Africa is the seasonal
excursion of the ITCZ. The ITCZ paradigm stems from a time when tropical rainfall was …

Precipitation climatology in an ensemble of CORDEX-Africa regional climate simulations

G Nikulin, C Jones, F Giorgi, G Asrar… - Journal of …, 2012 -
An ensemble of regional climate simulations is analyzed to evaluate the ability of 10
regional climate models (RCMs) and their ensemble average to simulate precipitation over …

The West African monsoon dynamics. Part II: The “preonset” and “onset” of the summer monsoon

B Sultan, S Janicot - Journal of climate, 2003 -
The arrival of the summer monsoon over West Africa has been documented by using daily
gridded rainfall data and NCEP–NCAR reanalyses during the period 1968–90, and OLR …

Uncertainties in daily rainfall over Africa: assessment of gridded observation products and evaluation of a regional climate model simulation.

MB Sylla, F Giorgi, E Coppola… - International Journal of …, 2013 -
ABSTRACT We intercompare three gridded observed daily rainfall datasets over Africa
(FEWS (Famine Early Warning System), GPCP (Global Precipitation Climatology Project) …

The present and future of the West African monsoon: A process-oriented assessment of CMIP5 simulations along the AMMA transect

R Roehrig, D Bouniol, F Guichard, F Hourdin… - Journal of …, 2013 -
The present assessment of the West African monsoon in the models of the Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project (CMIP) phase 5 (CMIP5) indicates little evolution since the third …

[PDF][PDF] Climatology, annual cycle and interannual variability of precipitation and temperature in CORDEX simulations over West Africa.

E Gbobaniyi, A Sarr, MB Sylla, I Diallo… - International Journal …, 2014 -
We examine the ability of an ensemble of 10 Regional Climate Models (RCMs), driven by
ERA-Interim reanalysis, in skillfully reproducing key features of present-day precipitation and …

Annual cycle of the West African monsoon: regional circulations and associated water vapour transport

CD Thorncroft, H Nguyen, C Zhang… - Quarterly Journal of the …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Analysis of the annually varying regional circulations and their relationship to
surface conditions and water vapour transport in the West African region is presented. The …