Fluid dynamics of human phonation and speech

R Mittal, BD Erath, MW Plesniak - Annual review of fluid …, 2013 - annualreviews.org
This article presents a review of the fluid dynamics, flow-structure interactions, and acoustics
associated with human phonation and speech. Our voice is produced through the process of …

[HTML][HTML] Mechanics of human voice production and control

Z Zhang - The journal of the acoustical society of america, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
As the primary means of communication, voice plays an important role in daily life. Voice
also conveys personal information such as social status, personal traits, and the emotional …

A review of lumped-element models of voiced speech

BD Erath, M Zañartu, KC Stewart, MW Plesniak… - Speech …, 2013 - Elsevier
Voiced speech is a highly complex process involving coupled interactions between the
vocal fold structure, aerodynamics, and acoustic field. Reduced-order lumped-element …

Vibratory responses of synthetic, self-oscillating vocal fold models

PR Murray, SL Thomson - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2012 - pubs.aip.org
The flow-induced responses of four self-oscillating synthetic vocal fold models are
compared. All models were life-sized and fabricated using flexible silicone compounds with …

Flow-induced oscillations of vocal-fold replicas with tuned extensibility and material properties

P Luizard, L Bailly, H Yousefi-Mashouf, R Girault… - Scientific reports, 2023 - nature.com
Human vocal folds are highly deformable non-linear oscillators. During phonation, they
stretch up to 50% under the complex action of laryngeal muscles. Exploring the …

Synthetic, multi-layer, self-oscillating vocal fold model fabrication

PR Murray, SL Thomson - Journal of visualized experiments …, 2011 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Sound for the human voice is produced via flow-induced vocal fold vibration. The vocal folds
consist of several layers of tissue, each with differing material properties 1. Normal voice …

Soft robotics for physical simulators, artificial organs and implantable assistive devices

D Zrinscak, L Lorenzon, M Maselli… - Progress in Biomedical …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
In recent years, soft robotics technologies enabled the development of a new generation of
biomedical devices. The combination of elastomeric materials with tunable properties and …

Influence of asymmetric stiffness on the structural and aerodynamic response of synthetic vocal fold models

BA Pickup, SL Thomson - Journal of biomechanics, 2009 - Elsevier
The influence of asymmetric vocal fold stiffness on voice production was evaluated using life-
sized, self-oscillating vocal fold models with an idealized geometry based on the human …

Three-dimensional printing of Ultrasoft silicone with a functional stiffness gradient

CA Young, ML O'Bannon… - 3D Printing and Additive …, 2024 - liebertpub.com
A methodology for three-dimensionally printing ultrasoft silicone with a functional stiffness
gradient is presented. Ultraviolet-cure silicone was deposited via two independently …

Observation and analysis of in vivo vocal fold tissue instabilities produced by nonlinear source-filter coupling: a case study

M Zañartu, DD Mehta, JC Ho, GR Wodicka… - The Journal of the …, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
Different source-related factors can lead to vocal fold instabilities and bifurcations referred to
as voice breaks. Nonlinear coupling in phonation suggests that changes in acoustic loading …