Mitigating the precipitous decline of terrestrial European insects: Requirements for a new strategy

JC Habel, MJ Samways, T Schmitt - Biodiversity and Conservation, 2019 - Springer
Severe decline in terrestrial insect species richness, abundance, flying biomass, and local
extinctions across Europe are cause for alarm. Here, we summarize this decline, and identify …

The impact of global climate change on genetic diversity within populations and species

SU Pauls, C Nowak, M Bálint… - Molecular ecology, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Genetic diversity provides the basic substrate for evolution, yet few studies assess the
impacts of global climate change (GCC) on intraspecific genetic variation. In this review, we …

Climate change drives mountain butterflies towards the summits

D Rödder, T Schmitt, P Gros, W Ulrich, JC Habel - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
Climate change impacts biodiversity and is driving range shifts of species and populations
across the globe. To understand the effects of climate warming on biota, long-term …

Cryptic biodiversity loss linked to global climate change

M Bálint, S Domisch, CHM Engelhardt, P Haase… - Nature climate …, 2011 -
Global climate change (GCC) significantly affects distributional patterns of organisms, and
considerable impacts on biodiversity are predicted for the next decades. Inferred effects …

Understanding and monitoring the consequences of human impacts on intraspecific variation

M Mimura, T Yahara, DP Faith… - Evolutionary …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Intraspecific variation is a major component of biodiversity, yet it has received relatively little
attention from governmental and nongovernmental organizations, especially with regard to …

Applications of species distribution modeling to paleobiology

JC Svenning, C Fløjgaard, KA Marske… - Quaternary Science …, 2011 - Elsevier
Species distribution modeling (SDM: statistical and/or mechanistic approaches to the
assessment of range determinants and prediction of species occurrence) offers new …

Active around the year: Butterflies and moths adapt their life cycles to a warming world

JC Habel, T Schmitt, P Gros, W Ulrich - Global Change Biology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Living in a warming world requires adaptations to altered annual temperature regimes. In
Europe, spring is starting earlier, and the vegetation period is ending later in the year. These …

DNA barcode reference library for Iberian butterflies enables a continental-scale preview of potential cryptic diversity

V Dincă, S Montagud, G Talavera… - Scientific reports, 2015 -
How common are cryptic species-those overlooked because of their morphological
similarity? Despite its wide-ranging implications for biology and conservation, the answer …

Land management impacts on European butterflies of conservation concern: a review

T Bubová, V Vrabec, M Kulma, P Nowicki - Journal of Insect Conservation, 2015 - Springer
Recent land use changes, namely the intensification of agriculture and forestry as well as
the abandonment of traditional grassland management methods, have resulted in the …

Museomics identifies genetic erosion in two butterfly species across the 20th century in Finland

J Gauthier, M Pajkovic… - Molecular ecology …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Erosion of biodiversity generated by anthropogenic activities has been studied for decades
and in many areas at the species level, using taxa monitoring. In contrast, genetic erosion …