From Africa to the world—The journey of Nile tilapia
Despite the fact that Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)(Linnaeus, 1758) are African
freshwater fish, they have been introduced into many countries inside and outside Africa …
freshwater fish, they have been introduced into many countries inside and outside Africa …
Aquatic invasive species: challenges for the future
Humans have effectively transported thousands of species around the globe and, with
accelerated trade; the rate of introductions has increased over time. Aquatic ecosystems …
accelerated trade; the rate of introductions has increased over time. Aquatic ecosystems …
Fish assemblages in Neotropical reservoirs: Colonization patterns, impacts and management
Brazil has more than 700 large reservoirs distributed in all of the major river basins of South
America. Most dams were constructed to produce electricity. Although these reservoirs favor …
America. Most dams were constructed to produce electricity. Although these reservoirs favor …
Neotropical freshwater fishes imperilled by unsustainable policies
Neotropical freshwater fishes are the most diverse on the planet (> 5,500 species), although
nations in Latin America have been negligent regarding their conservation. National policies …
nations in Latin America have been negligent regarding their conservation. National policies …
The economic costs of biological invasions in Brazil: a first assessment
Biological invasions are one of the leading causes of global environmental change and their
impacts can affect biodiversity, ecosystem services, human health and the economy. Yet, the …
impacts can affect biodiversity, ecosystem services, human health and the economy. Yet, the …
[PDF][PDF] A review of current knowledge, risk and ecological impacts associated with non-native freshwater fish introductions in South Africa.
BR Ellender, OLF Weyl - Aquatic Invasions, 2014 - aquaticinvasions.net
The introduction and spread of non-native species is one of the least reversible human-
induced global changes. In South Africa, non-native fish introductions have occurred over …
induced global changes. In South Africa, non-native fish introductions have occurred over …
Large-scale degradation of the Tocantins-Araguaia River basin
Abstract The Tocantins-Araguaia Basin is one of the largest river systems in South America,
located entirely within Brazilian territory. In the last decades, capital-concentrating activities …
located entirely within Brazilian territory. In the last decades, capital-concentrating activities …
Tilapia introduction in China: Economic boom in aquaculture versus ecological threats to ecosystems
The introduction and use of non‐native species in aquaculture have played a central role in
the development of this economic sector worldwide. Tilapia is one of the most widely …
the development of this economic sector worldwide. Tilapia is one of the most widely …
Removing the abyss between conservation science and policy decisions in Brazil
The executive and legislative branches of Brazilian government have either proposed or
taken a variety of initiatives that threaten biodiversity and ecosystems. Opposition by the …
taken a variety of initiatives that threaten biodiversity and ecosystems. Opposition by the …
The silent threat of non-native fish in the Amazon: ANNF database and review
Non-native fish (NNF) can threaten megadiverse aquatic ecosystems throughout the planet,
but limited information is available for the Amazon Region. In this study we review NNF data …
but limited information is available for the Amazon Region. In this study we review NNF data …