Voxeltrack: Multi-person 3d human pose estimation and tracking in the wild
We present VoxelTrack for multi-person 3D pose estimation and tracking from a few
cameras which are separated by wide baselines. It employs a multi-branch network to jointly …
cameras which are separated by wide baselines. It employs a multi-branch network to jointly …
Wildtrack: A multi-camera hd dataset for dense unscripted pedestrian detection
People detection methods are highly sensitive to occlusions between pedestrians, which are
extremely frequent in many situations where cameras have to be mounted at a limited …
extremely frequent in many situations where cameras have to be mounted at a limited …
Multiview detection with feature perspective transformation
Incorporating multiple camera views for detection alleviates the impact of occlusions in
crowded scenes. In a multiview detection system, we need to answer two important …
crowded scenes. In a multiview detection system, we need to answer two important …
Stacked homography transformations for multi-view pedestrian detection
Multi-view pedestrian detection aims to predict a bird's eye view (BEV) occupancy map from
multiple camera views. This task is confronted with two challenges: how to establish the 3D …
multiple camera views. This task is confronted with two challenges: how to establish the 3D …
Deep occlusion reasoning for multi-camera multi-target detection
People detection in 2D images has improved greatly in recent years. However,
comparatively little of this progress has percolated into multi-camera multi-people tracking …
comparatively little of this progress has percolated into multi-camera multi-people tracking …
Multi-camera LiDAR inertial extension to the newer college dataset
A Bayesian filter for multi-view 3D multi-object tracking with occlusion handling
This paper proposes an online multi-camera multi-object tracker that only requires
monocular detector training, independent of the multi-camera configurations, allowing …
monocular detector training, independent of the multi-camera configurations, allowing …
Tracking by prediction: A deep generative model for mutli-person localisation and tracking
Current multi-person localisation and tracking systems have an over reliance on the use of
appearance models for target re-identification and almost no approaches employ a …
appearance models for target re-identification and almost no approaches employ a …