A tutorial on multifractality, cascades, and interactivity for empirical time series in ecological science
Interactivity is a central theme of ecological psychology. According to Gibsonian views,
behavior is the emergent property of interactions between organism and environment …
behavior is the emergent property of interactions between organism and environment …
[KÖNYV][B] Fractals and multifractals in ecology and aquatic science
L Seuront - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Ecologists sometimes have a less-than-rigorous background in quantitative methods, yet
research within this broad field is becoming increasingly mathematical. Written in a step-by …
research within this broad field is becoming increasingly mathematical. Written in a step-by …
Modelling of the functioning of karst aquifers with a reservoir model: Application to Fontaine de Vaucluse (South of France)
P Fleury, V Plagnes, M Bakalowicz - Journal of hydrology, 2007 - Elsevier
This work deals with a rainfall-discharge model applied to a well known karst aquifer. A new
approach is developed in order to minimize the fitting parameters: here, some of the model …
approach is developed in order to minimize the fitting parameters: here, some of the model …
Semi-arid zone caves: Evaporation and hydrological controls on δ18O drip water composition and implications for speleothem paleoclimate reconstructions
Oxygen isotope ratios in speleothems may be affected by external processes that are
independent of climate, such as karst hydrology and kinetic fractionation. Consequently …
independent of climate, such as karst hydrology and kinetic fractionation. Consequently …
A modified Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MFDFA) approach for multifractal analysis of precipitation
Abstract Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MFDFA) is an efficient method to
investigate the long-term correlations of the power law of non-stationary time series, in which …
investigate the long-term correlations of the power law of non-stationary time series, in which …
Springflow hydrographs: eogenetic vs. telogenetic karst
Matrix permeability in the range of 10− 11 to 10− 14 m2 characterizes eogenetic karst,
where limestones have not been deeply buried. In contrast, limestones of postburial …
where limestones have not been deeply buried. In contrast, limestones of postburial …
Modelling of dripwater hydrology and hydrogeochemistry in a weakly karstified aquifer (Bath, UK): Implications for climate change studies
A better knowledge of dripwater hydrology in karst systems is needed to understand the
palaeoclimate implications of temporal variations in Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of calcareous cave …
palaeoclimate implications of temporal variations in Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of calcareous cave …
Multifractals, cloud radiances and rain
The extreme variability of rainfall over huge ranges of space–time scales makes direct rain
gauge measurements of areal rainfall impossible; assumptions about the rainfall scaling …
gauge measurements of areal rainfall impossible; assumptions about the rainfall scaling …
Modelling the hydrologic functions of a karst aquifer under active water management–the Lez spring
P Fleury, B Ladouche, Y Conroux, H Jourde… - Journal of …, 2009 - Elsevier
A rainfall-discharge model is applied to an aquifer characterized by active groundwater
management–the Lez karst aquifer in the South of France. Groundwater is withdrawn by …
management–the Lez karst aquifer in the South of France. Groundwater is withdrawn by …
Comparison of methods for non-stationary hydrologic frequency analysis: Case study using annual maximum daily precipitation in Taiwan
Future climatic conditions likely will not satisfy stationarity assumption. To address this
concern, this study applied three methods to analyze non-stationarity in hydrologic …
concern, this study applied three methods to analyze non-stationarity in hydrologic …