Biofortification of mungbean (Vigna radiata) as a whole food to enhance human health

RM Nair, RY Yang, WJ Easdown… - Journal of the …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek var. radiata) is one of the most important
pulse crops grown in South, East and Southeast Asia. It provides significant amounts of …

Plasma activated water: The next generation eco-friendly stimulant for enhancing plant seed germination, vigor and increased enzyme activity, a study on black gram …

SA Sajib, M Billah, S Mahmud, M Miah… - Plasma Chemistry and …, 2020 - Springer
Chemical fertilization in agriculture is threatening to the ecosystem. Therefore, the use of eco-
friendly stimulant for crop revolution is highly desirable. This study investigates the effects of …

[PDF][PDF] Genetic improvement of mungbean.

RM Nair, R Schafleitner, L Kenyon, R Srinivasan… - 2012 -
SUMMARY Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) is cultivated on more than 6 million
hectares in the warmer regions of the world and is one of the most important pulse crops in …

[PDF][PDF] Growth and yield response of two cultivars of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) to different potassium levels

F Hussain, AU Malik, MA Haji, AL Malghani - J. Anim. Plant Sci, 2011 -
Potassium application is directly related to growth, plant biomass and yield in crops. While
the deficiency of Potassium is in Pa istan is becoming nutritional limiting factor in most of …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluating the performance of three mungbean varieties grown under varying inter-row spacing.

F Rasul, MA Cheema, A Sattar, MF Saleem, MA Wahid - 2012 -
ABSTRACT A field trial was conducted to establish the proper inter-row spacing and suitable
variety evaluation in Faisalabad, Pa istan. Three mung bean varieties V1, V2, V3 (NM-92 …

Native Pseudomonas spp. suppressed the root-knot nematode in in vitro and in vivo, and promoted the nodulation and grain yield in the field grown mungbean

MR Khan, FA Mohidin, U Khan, F Ahamad - Biological control, 2016 - Elsevier
The study describes the effects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens,
Pseudomonas stutzeri and Pseudomonas striata on root nodulation (Bradyrhizobium sp.) …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of biofertilizers and nutrient sources on the performance of mungbean at Rupandehi, Nepal

R Bam, SR Mishra, S Khanal, P Ghimire… - Journal of agriculture and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Nutrient management has been a major constraint in mungbean cultivation, resulting in
huge economic losses to farmers. A field experiment was conducted at Paklihawa …

Pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang hijau (Vigna radiata, L.) pada beberapa dosis pupuk organik dan kerapatan tanam

DP Hastuti, S Supriyono, S Hartati - Caraka Tani: Journal of …, 2018 -
Mungbean is one of the strategic annual food crops that needed by Indonesian people
because of the high protein and minerals. Production of mungbean in Indonesia always …

Root carboxylate exudation capacity under phosphorus stress does not improve grain yield in green gram

R Pandey, SK Meena, V Krishnapriya, A Ahmad… - Plant cell reports, 2014 - Springer
Key message Genetic variability in carboxylate exudation capacity along with improved root
traits was a key mechanism for P-efficient green gram genotype to cope with P-stress but it …

Effect of foliar nutrition on growth, yield attributes and seed yield of pulse crops

A Karthik - Advances in crop science and …, 2017 -
Field experiment was conducted to find out the influence of foliar nutrition on growth and
seed yield of pulse crop during Rabi 2013-14. The experiment was laid out in split plot …