Cold seep systems in the South China Sea: An overview
Three decades after the discovery of cold seep systems, various sites of hydrocarbon
seepage have been found in the South China Sea (SCS). Over the past decade, these sites …
seepage have been found in the South China Sea (SCS). Over the past decade, these sites …
The Neoproterozoic oxygenation event: Environmental perturbations and biogeochemical cycling
The oxygen content of the Earth's surface environment is thought to have increased in two
broad steps: the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE) around the Archean–Proterozoic boundary …
broad steps: the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE) around the Archean–Proterozoic boundary …
[KNJIGA][B] Stable isotope geochemistry
J Hoefs, J Hoefs - 2009 - Springer
The nine editions of Stable Isotope Geochemistry have appeared over a time span of nearly
50 years. The first edition (1973) appeared as a slim book of 135 pages. Due to the rapid …
50 years. The first edition (1973) appeared as a slim book of 135 pages. Due to the rapid …
Large sulfur isotope fractionation does not require disproportionation
The composition of sulfur isotopes in sedimentary sulfides and sulfates traces the sulfur
cycle throughout Earth's history. In particular, depletions of sulfur-34 (34S) in sulfide relative …
cycle throughout Earth's history. In particular, depletions of sulfur-34 (34S) in sulfide relative …
Co-existence of methanogenesis and sulfate reduction with common substrates in sulfate-rich estuarine sediments
The competition between sulfate reducing bacteria and methanogens over common
substrates has been proposed as a critical control for methane production. In this study, we …
substrates has been proposed as a critical control for methane production. In this study, we …
Reconstruction of secular variation in seawater sulfate concentrations
Long-term secular variation in seawater sulfate concentrations ([SO 4 2−] SW) is of interest
owing to its relationship to the oxygenation history of Earth's surface environment. In this …
owing to its relationship to the oxygenation history of Earth's surface environment. In this …
Multiple sulfur isotopes and the evolution of Earth's surface sulfur cycle
DT Johnston - Earth-Science Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
The distribution of sulfur isotopes in geological materials reveals information about Earth
history and biogeochemical processes. Research during the last several decades has used …
history and biogeochemical processes. Research during the last several decades has used …
How sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane affects the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite: A SIMS study from the South China Sea
Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane (SO 4-AOM) in marine sediments commonly
leads to the precipitation of pyrite. It is, however, frequently challenging to unequivocally …
leads to the precipitation of pyrite. It is, however, frequently challenging to unequivocally …
High isotope fractionations during sulfate reduction in a low-sulfate euxinic ocean analog
A detailed record of the early-Earth sulfur (S) cycle is chronicled by the S isotope values of
sulfide and sulfate preserved in the rock record. Interpretation of this record rests on our …
sulfide and sulfate preserved in the rock record. Interpretation of this record rests on our …
A revised isotope fractionation model for dissimilatory sulfate reduction in sulfate reducing bacteria
Sulfur isotope fractionation during dissimilatory sulfate reduction has been conceptually
described by the widely accepted Rees model as related to the stepwise reduction of sulfate …
described by the widely accepted Rees model as related to the stepwise reduction of sulfate …