Epigenetics, fragmentomics, and topology of cell-free DNA in liquid biopsies
BACKGROUND Liquid biopsies that are based on analysis of cell-free DNA from plasma
offer diagnostic information that is otherwise accessible conventionally through invasive …
offer diagnostic information that is otherwise accessible conventionally through invasive …
Epigenetics of hypertension as a risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus
RZ Karabaeva, TA Vochshenkova… - Frontiers in …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Hypertension, a multifaceted cardiovascular disorder influenced by genetic, epigenetic, and
environmental factors, poses a significant risk for the development of coronary artery …
environmental factors, poses a significant risk for the development of coronary artery …
iPSC-based modeling of preeclampsia identifies epigenetic defects in extravillous trophoblast differentiation
Preeclampsia (PE) is a hypertensive pregnancy disorder with increased risk of maternal and
fetal morbidity and mortality. Abnormal extravillous trophoblast (EVT) development and …
fetal morbidity and mortality. Abnormal extravillous trophoblast (EVT) development and …
A cross-cohort analysis of autosomal DNA methylation sex differences in the term placenta
Background Human placental DNA methylation (DNAme) data is a valuable resource for
studying sex differences during gestation, as DNAme profiles after delivery reflect the …
studying sex differences during gestation, as DNAme profiles after delivery reflect the …
Genetic and in utero environmental contributions to DNA methylation variation in placenta
Genetic and prenatal environmental factors shape fetal development and cardiometabolic
health in later life. A key target of genetic and prenatal environmental factors is the …
health in later life. A key target of genetic and prenatal environmental factors is the …
Placental PFAS concentrations are associated with perturbations of placental DNA methylation at loci with important roles on cardiometabolic health
The placenta is crucial for fetal development, is affected by PFAS toxicity, and evidence is
accumulating that gestational PFAS perturb the epigenetic activity of the placenta …
accumulating that gestational PFAS perturb the epigenetic activity of the placenta …
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy share common cfDNA methylation profiles
M Spinelli, JA Zdanowicz, I Keller, P Nicholson… - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) contribute substantially to perinatal morbidity
and mortality. Epigenetic changes point towards cardio-metabolic dysregulation for these …
and mortality. Epigenetic changes point towards cardio-metabolic dysregulation for these …
Even high normal blood pressure affects live birth rate in women undergoing fresh embryo transfer
H Chen, X Zhang, S Cai, J Li, S Tang… - Human …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
STUDY QUESTION Do differences in blood pressure within the normal range have any
impacts on the live birth rate (primary outcome) or biochemical pregnancy rate (beta-hCG …
impacts on the live birth rate (primary outcome) or biochemical pregnancy rate (beta-hCG …
Epigenetic implications in maternal diabetes and metabolic syndrome‐associated risk of orofacial clefts
Orofacial clefts (OFCs) are one of the most common types of structural birth defects. The
etiologies are complicated, involving with genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors …
etiologies are complicated, involving with genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors …
Systematic proteomics analysis of lysine acetylation reveals critical features of placental proteins in pregnant women with preeclampsia
Y Shangguan, Y Wang, W Shi, R Guo… - Journal of Cellular …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Preeclampsia (PE) is a dangerous hypertensive disorder that occurs during pregnancy. The
specific aetiology and pathogenesis of PE have yet to be clarified. To better reveal the …
specific aetiology and pathogenesis of PE have yet to be clarified. To better reveal the …