[PDF][PDF] Research data management practices and challenges in academic libraries: A comprehensive review

A Subaveerapandiyan - Library Philosophy and Practice, 2023 - core.ac.uk
This comprehensive review article delves into the current landscape of research data
management (RDM) practices and challenges faced by academic libraries across various …

Current status of research support services in university libraries of Pakistan

MH Awan, J Richardson, S Ahmed - Digital Library Perspectives, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose Research support services (RSS) is an emerging and popular area in university
libraries, whose increasing importance has been well documented since the early 2010s …

Adapting data management education to support clinical research projects in an academic medical center

KB Read - Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 2019 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background Librarians and researchers alike have long identified research data
management (RDM) training as a need in biomedical research. Despite the wealth of …

Fostering scientific integrity in Vietnam: The contribution of library and information services

TT Bui, LT Nguyen - IFLA Journal, 2025 - journals.sagepub.com
Addressing the challenge of scientific integrity in Vietnam requires a multifaceted approach,
with library and information services serving as a cornerstone to ensure rigorous and ethical …

Open science and research data management: A FAIR European postgraduate programme

H González–Vélez, C Dobre… - … Conference on Big …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Open Science is widely regarded as a culture that is characterised by the transparency and
broad accessibility of scholarly work, where researchers share openly artefacts almost …

„Í sérhverjum degi býr tækifæri til nýrrar reynslu “: Reynsla sænskra upplýsingafræðinga af þróun gagnaþjónustu

PS Viinikka - 2021 - skemman.is
Bakgrunnur: Rannsóknarmenning háskóla er að þróast í átt að opnum vísindum sem hefur í
för með sér félagslega, menningarlegar og tæknilegar breytingar á framkvæmdum …

[SITAATTI][C] Journal: Adapting data management education to support clinical research projects in an academic medical center

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