[HTML][HTML] Protein misfolding and aggregation in the brain: common pathogenetic pathways in neurodegenerative and mental disorders
Mental disorders represent common brain diseases characterized by substantial
impairments of social and cognitive functions. The neurobiological causes and mechanisms …
impairments of social and cognitive functions. The neurobiological causes and mechanisms …
Ensheathment and myelination of axons: evolution of glial functions
Myelination of axons provides the structural basis for rapid saltatory impulse propagation
along vertebrate fiber tracts, a well-established neurophysiological concept. However …
along vertebrate fiber tracts, a well-established neurophysiological concept. However …
Transcriptional architecture of synaptic communication delineates GABAergic neuron identity
Understanding the organizational logic of neural circuits requires deciphering the biological
basis of neuronal diversity and identity, but there is no consensus on how neuron types …
basis of neuronal diversity and identity, but there is no consensus on how neuron types …
[HTML][HTML] Protective effect of quercetin on streptozotocin-induced diabetic peripheral neuropathy rats through modulating gut microbiota and reactive oxygen species …
J **e, W Song, X Liang, Q Zhang, Y Shi, W Liu… - Biomedicine & …, 2020 - Elsevier
Highlights•Quercetin significantly ameliorated the phenotypes and decreased the ROS
production levels in DPN rats.•Quercetin was firstly found to modulate gut microbiota in DPN …
production levels in DPN rats.•Quercetin was firstly found to modulate gut microbiota in DPN …
Mechanisms of sodium channel clustering and its influence on axonal impulse conduction
The efficient propagation of action potentials along nervous fibers is necessary for animals
to interact with the environment with timeliness and precision. Myelination of axons is an …
to interact with the environment with timeliness and precision. Myelination of axons is an …
LGI3/2–ADAM23 interactions cluster Kv1 channels in myelinated axons to regulate refractory period
N Kozar-Gillan, A Velichkova, G Kanatouris… - Journal of Cell …, 2023 - rupress.org
Along myelinated axons, Shaker-type potassium channels (Kv1) accumulate at high density
in the juxtaparanodal region, directly adjacent to the paranodal axon–glia junctions that …
in the juxtaparanodal region, directly adjacent to the paranodal axon–glia junctions that …
A current view on contactin-4,-5, and-6: Implications in neurodevelopmental disorders
A Oguro-Ando, A Zuko, KTE Kleijer… - Molecular and Cellular …, 2017 - Elsevier
Contactins (Cntns) are a six-member subgroup of the immunoglobulin cell adhesion
molecule superfamily (IgCAMs) with pronounced brain expression and function. Recent …
molecule superfamily (IgCAMs) with pronounced brain expression and function. Recent …
Expression of Cntnap2 (Caspr2) in multiple levels of sensory systems
Genome-wide association studies and copy number variation analyses have linked
contactin associated protein 2 (Caspr2, gene name Cntnap2) with autism spectrum disorder …
contactin associated protein 2 (Caspr2, gene name Cntnap2) with autism spectrum disorder …
Mouse genetic models of human brain disorders
Over the past three decades, genetic manipulations in mice have been used in
neuroscience as a major approach to investigate the in vivo function of genes and their …
neuroscience as a major approach to investigate the in vivo function of genes and their …
The role of Gpi-anchored axonal glycoproteins in neural development and neurological disorders
G Gennarini, A Bizzoca, S Picocci, D Puzzo… - Molecular and Cellular …, 2017 - Elsevier
This review article focuses on the Contactin (CNTN) subset of the Immunoglobulin
supergene family (IgC2/FNIII molecules), whose components share structural properties (the …
supergene family (IgC2/FNIII molecules), whose components share structural properties (the …