Application of graph theory for identifying connectivity patterns in human brain networks: a systematic review
Background: Analysis of the human connectome using functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) started in the mid-1990s and attracted increasing attention in attempts to …
imaging (fMRI) started in the mid-1990s and attracted increasing attention in attempts to …
Network neuroscience
Despite substantial recent progress, our understanding of the principles and mechanisms
underlying complex brain function and cognition remains incomplete. Network neuroscience …
underlying complex brain function and cognition remains incomplete. Network neuroscience …
Delineating epileptogenic networks using brain imaging data and personalized modeling in drug-resistant epilepsy
Precise estimates of epileptogenic zone networks (EZNs) are crucial for planning
intervention strategies to treat drug-resistant focal epilepsy. Here, we present the virtual …
intervention strategies to treat drug-resistant focal epilepsy. Here, we present the virtual …
On the nature and use of models in network neuroscience
Network theory provides an intuitively appealing framework for studying relationships
among interconnected brain mechanisms and their relevance to behaviour. As the space of …
among interconnected brain mechanisms and their relevance to behaviour. As the space of …
Structural and functional brain networks: from connections to cognition
Background The human brain presents a puzzling and challenging paradox: Despite a fixed
anatomy, characterized by its connectivity, its functional repertoire is vast, enabling action …
anatomy, characterized by its connectivity, its functional repertoire is vast, enabling action …
[HTML][HTML] Bayesian model reduction and empirical Bayes for group (DCM) studies
This technical note describes some Bayesian procedures for the analysis of group studies
that use nonlinear models at the first (within-subject) level–eg, dynamic causal models–and …
that use nonlinear models at the first (within-subject) level–eg, dynamic causal models–and …
Diaschisis: past, present, future
E Carrera, G Tononi - Brain, 2014 - academic.oup.com
After a century of false hopes, recent studies have placed the concept of diaschisis at the
centre of the understanding of brain function. Originally, the term 'diaschisis' was coined by …
centre of the understanding of brain function. Originally, the term 'diaschisis' was coined by …
Functional connectomics from resting-state fMRI
Spontaneous fluctuations in activity in different parts of the brain can be used to study
functional brain networks. We review the use of resting-state functional MRI (rfMRI) for the …
functional brain networks. We review the use of resting-state functional MRI (rfMRI) for the …
Structure and function of complex brain networks
O Sporns - Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
An increasing number of theoretical and empirical studies approach the function of the
human brain from a network perspective. The analysis of brain networks is made feasible by …
human brain from a network perspective. The analysis of brain networks is made feasible by …
Functional and effective connectivity: a review
KJ Friston - Brain connectivity, 2011 - liebertpub.com
Over the past 20 years, neuroimaging has become a predominant technique in systems
neuroscience. One might envisage that over the next 20 years the neuroimaging of …
neuroscience. One might envisage that over the next 20 years the neuroimaging of …