Functional data analysis: An introduction and recent developments
Functional data analysis (FDA) is a statistical framework that allows for the analysis of
curves, images, or functions on higher dimensional domains. The goals of FDA, such as …
curves, images, or functions on higher dimensional domains. The goals of FDA, such as …
Functional data analysis characterizes the shapes of the first COVID-19 epidemic wave in Italy
We investigate patterns of COVID-19 mortality across 20 Italian regions and their association
with mobility, positivity, and socio-demographic, infrastructural and environmental …
with mobility, positivity, and socio-demographic, infrastructural and environmental …
[KNJIGA][B] Functional data analysis with R
Emerging technologies generate data sets of increased size and complexity that require
new or updated statistical inferential methods and scalable, reproducible software. These …
new or updated statistical inferential methods and scalable, reproducible software. These …
Scalar on time-by-distribution regression and its application for modelling associations between daily-living physical activity and cognitive functions in Alzheimer's …
Wearable data is a rich source of information that can provide a deeper understanding of
links between human behaviors and human health. Existing modelling approaches use …
links between human behaviors and human health. Existing modelling approaches use …
Additive function-on-function regression
We study additive function-on-function regression where the mean response at a particular
time point depends on the time point itself, as well as the entire covariate trajectory. We …
time point depends on the time point itself, as well as the entire covariate trajectory. We …
Benefits and pitfalls of the exponential mechanism with applications to hilbert spaces and functional pca
The exponential mechanism is a fundamental tool of Differential Privacy (DP) due to its
strong privacy guarantees and flexibility. We study its extension to settings with summaries …
strong privacy guarantees and flexibility. We study its extension to settings with summaries …
Functional clustering methods for resistance spot welding process data in the automotive industry
In the automotive industry, quality assessment of resistance spot welding (RSW) joints of
metal sheets is typically based on costly and lengthy offline tests, which are unfeasible in the …
metal sheets is typically based on costly and lengthy offline tests, which are unfeasible in the …
Scalar‐on‐function regression: Estimation and inference under complex survey designs
Increasingly, large, nationally representative health and behavioral surveys conducted
under a multistage stratified sampling scheme collect high dimensional data with correlation …
under a multistage stratified sampling scheme collect high dimensional data with correlation …
Modeling motor learning using heteroscedastic functional principal components analysis
We propose a novel method for estimating population-level and subject-specific effects of
covariates on the variability of functional data. We extend the functional principal …
covariates on the variability of functional data. We extend the functional principal …
[PDF][PDF] Robust Functional Linear Regression Models.
With advancements in technology and data storage, the availability of functional data whose
sample observations are recorded over a continuum, such as time, wavelength, space grids …
sample observations are recorded over a continuum, such as time, wavelength, space grids …