Design space for spatio-data coordination: Tangible interaction devices for immersive information visualisation
We introduce the concept of “spatio-data coordination”(SD coordination) which defines the
map** of user actions in physical space into the space of data in a visualisation. SD …
map** of user actions in physical space into the space of data in a visualisation. SD …
The effect of semi-transparent and interpenetrable hands on object manipulation in virtual reality
M Van Veldhuizen, X Yang - IEEE Access, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Manipulating objects with the hand is a common task in Virtual Reality (VR). However, some
issues can occur during these manipulations. Occlusion is one issue that happens when the …
issues can occur during these manipulations. Occlusion is one issue that happens when the …
Exploring visual techniques for boundary awareness during interaction in augmented reality head-mounted displays
Mid-air hand interaction has long been proposed as a 'natural'input method for Augmented
Reality (AR) systems. Current AR Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) have a limited area for …
Reality (AR) systems. Current AR Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) have a limited area for …
On-body tangible interaction: Using the body to support tangible manipulations for immersive environments
Recent technological advances in immersive devices open up many opportunities for users
to visualize data in their environments. However, current interactive solutions fail at …
to visualize data in their environments. However, current interactive solutions fail at …
On-body tangible interaction: using the body to support tangible manipulations for immersive visualization
Recent technological advancements in augmented and mixed reality devices opened up
many opportunities to users to interact in their environments. However, there are many …
many opportunities to users to interact in their environments. However, there are many …
Utilisation du corps comme support à l'interaction à distance avec un dispositif à multiple degrés de libertés
Les récents avènements technologiques au travers des périphériques de réalité augmenté
ou mixte ouvrent de nombreuses opportunités aux utilisateurs pour interagir dans leurs …
ou mixte ouvrent de nombreuses opportunités aux utilisateurs pour interagir dans leurs …
Design of SDCA using RSSI for mid-air collisions
Self-detect Collision Avoidance System (SDCA), is a system equipped on an aircraft that
identifies the signal strength between the aircrafts. The goal of SDCA is to prevent mid-air …
identifies the signal strength between the aircrafts. The goal of SDCA is to prevent mid-air …
A Virtual Menu Using Gesture Recognition for 3D Object Manipulation in Mixed Reality
For years, the study on human-computer interaction in the mixed reality has been exploring
in more natural and efficient interacting ways. As a common interacting component, the …
in more natural and efficient interacting ways. As a common interacting component, the …
[КНИГА][B] Motion-based interaction for head-mounted displays
W Xu - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Recent advances in affordable sensing technologies have enabled motion-based
interaction (MbI) for head-mounted displays (HMDs). Unlike traditional input devices like the …
interaction (MbI) for head-mounted displays (HMDs). Unlike traditional input devices like the …
UP para Definição, A de um Vocabulário - ppgcc.propesp.ufpa.br
The development of hardware and software technology for sensors has allowed the use of
unconventional interaction in various products such as games, television sets, home …
unconventional interaction in various products such as games, television sets, home …