Mathematical modeling of climate change and malaria transmission dynamics: a historical review

SE Eikenberry, AB Gumel - Journal of mathematical biology, 2018 - Springer
Malaria, one of the greatest historical killers of mankind, continues to claim around half a
million lives annually, with almost all deaths occurring in children under the age of five living …

The dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in Africa, Europe and the Middle East: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis

ME Sinka, MJ Bangs, S Manguin, M Coetzee… - Parasites & vectors, 2010 - Springer
Background This is the second in a series of three articles documenting the geographical
distribution of 41 dominant vector species (DVS) of human malaria. The first paper …

Nigeria Anopheles Vector Database: An Overview of 100 Years' Research

PN Okorie, FE McKenzie, OG Ademowo, M Bockarie… - Plos one, 2011 -
Anopheles mosquitoes are important vectors of malaria and lymphatic filariasis (LF), which
are major public health diseases in Nigeria. Malaria is caused by infection with a protozoan …

Temperature during larval development and adult maintenance influences the survival of Anopheles gambiae ss

C Christiansen-Jucht, PE Parham, A Saddler… - Parasites & vectors, 2014 - Springer
Background Malaria transmission depends on vector life-history parameters and population
dynamics, and particularly on the survival of adult Anopheles mosquitoes. These dynamics …

Weather-driven malaria transmission model with gonotrophic and sporogonic cycles

K Okuneye, SE Eikenberry… - Journal of biological …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Malaria is mainly a tropical disease and its transmission cycle is heavily influenced by
environment: The life-cycles of the Anopheles mosquito vector and Plasmodium parasite are …

Species composition and temporal distribution of mosquito populations in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria

PN Okorie, KOK Popoola, OM Awobifa… - … of entomology and …, 2014 -
Nigeria has a high burden of vector borne diseases such as malaria and lymphatic filariasis
(LF). This study aimed to determine the species composition of mosquitoes in Ibadan …

Seasonal dynamics, longevity, and biting activity of anopheline mosquitoes in southwestern Ethiopia

B Taye, K Lelisa, D Emana, A Asale… - Journal of Insect …, 2016 -
Continuous monitoring of vector species composition, abundance, dynamics, feeding
pattern, and host finding strategy is the base to determine when, what, and how control …

Life table analysis of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) in relation to malaria transmission

IK Olayemi, AT Ande - Journal of Vector Borne Diseases, 2009 -
Malaria continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the tropics several years
after the World Health Organization's roll back malaria (RBM) initiative. The disease is …

Anopheline mosquitoes behaviour and entomological monitoring in southwestern Ethiopia

K Lelisa, A Asale, B Taye, D Emana… - Journal of vector borne …, 2017 -
Methods: Mosquito collection was carried out from each selected household in each of the
nine selected study villages of Kersa district, using CDC light-traps and pyrethrum spray …

[PDF][PDF] Entomological study on species composition, behavior, longevity and probability of surviving sporogony of Anopheles mosquitoes in Lare District, Ethiopia

B Taye, M Seid, A Gindaba - Journal of Parasitology and …, 2017 -
Mosquitoes of the genus, Anopheles are important vectors of plasmodium parasites, causal
agents of malaria. There are over 400 species of anopheles mosquitoes but only 30-40 of …