[HTML][HTML] Methodology for the development of LADM country profiles
The growing recognition and influence of the ISO 19152: 2012 Land Administration Domain
Model (LADM), is revealed by the multiple country profiles that have been developed based …
Model (LADM), is revealed by the multiple country profiles that have been developed based …
Restructuring Nigeria: The dilemma and critical issues
Objective: The main objectives of this paper are to explore the critical issues in the
agitations/calls for restructuring Nigeria. A conceptual model is used and critical issues …
agitations/calls for restructuring Nigeria. A conceptual model is used and critical issues …
An assessment of the Ethiopian national rural land administration information system conceptual model using LADM as a reference
The Land Administration and Use Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture in Ethiopia
designed a National Rural Land Administration Information System (NRLAIS). Its purpose …
designed a National Rural Land Administration Information System (NRLAIS). Its purpose …
A Study on Country Profile of Land Administration Domain Model for Mongolia
The field of cadastre and land administration is susceptible to changes in technological
development and requires a robust system to respond. In Mongolia, there is a need for a …
development and requires a robust system to respond. In Mongolia, there is a need for a …
[PDF][PDF] Process improvement strategy for sustainable land administration in develo** countries: Imperatives for Six Sigma
The criticality and centrality of land to man's existence, sustenance, sustainability in social,
economic, political and environmental ramifications is a non-negotiable inevitability …
economic, political and environmental ramifications is a non-negotiable inevitability …
SO Olaleye, AS Adegoke, SE Agbato - researchgate.net
The potential of Blockchain technology to transform land management systems becomes
increasingly apparent as it gains momentum. This study investigated the prospects of …
increasingly apparent as it gains momentum. This study investigated the prospects of …
Analysis of elevation models for Nigerian 2D cadastre height determination
In Nigeria, the spatial requirements of cadastral map for the purposes of land registration are
based on 2D planimetric boundary coordinates without consideration for the elevation …
based on 2D planimetric boundary coordinates without consideration for the elevation …
[PDF][PDF] Suggested framework for integrating elevation data into existing planimetric cadastre system in Nigeria
Issues associated with urbanization, food security and climate change, are components of
sustainable global agenda that require effective and efficient land management concepts …
sustainable global agenda that require effective and efficient land management concepts …
[کتاب][B] Effects of Land Administration System on Existing Low-Cost Houses in Gauteng, South Africa
GK Makgobi - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Land Administration is a process achieved by national government to manage economic
features associated with rights in land, controlling of public land, recording private rights in …
features associated with rights in land, controlling of public land, recording private rights in …
[PDF][PDF] 몽골 토지행정도메인모델의 국가 프로파일링에 관한 연구
The field of cadastre and land administration is susceptible to changes in technological
development and requires a robust system to respond. In Mongolia, there is a need for a …
development and requires a robust system to respond. In Mongolia, there is a need for a …