[HTML][HTML] Methodology for the development of LADM country profiles

E Kalogianni, K Janečka, M Kalantari, E Dimopoulou… - Land use policy, 2021‏ - Elsevier
The growing recognition and influence of the ISO 19152: 2012 Land Administration Domain
Model (LADM), is revealed by the multiple country profiles that have been developed based …

Restructuring Nigeria: The dilemma and critical issues

MFB Othman, OB Nazariah… - Journal of Business …, 2019‏ - publishing.globalcsrc.org
Objective: The main objectives of this paper are to explore the critical issues in the
agitations/calls for restructuring Nigeria. A conceptual model is used and critical issues …

An assessment of the Ethiopian national rural land administration information system conceptual model using LADM as a reference

AM Getie, TA Birhanu - Survey review, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
The Land Administration and Use Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture in Ethiopia
designed a National Rural Land Administration Information System (NRLAIS). Its purpose …

A Study on Country Profile of Land Administration Domain Model for Mongolia

B Munkhbaatar, MG Kim, JH Koh - Journal of Cadastre & Land …, 2018‏ - koreascience.kr
The field of cadastre and land administration is susceptible to changes in technological
development and requires a robust system to respond. In Mongolia, there is a need for a …

[PDF][PDF] Process improvement strategy for sustainable land administration in develo** countries: Imperatives for Six Sigma

NE Obi-Aso - International Journal of Engineering, Management …, 2021‏ - researchgate.net
The criticality and centrality of land to man's existence, sustenance, sustainability in social,
economic, political and environmental ramifications is a non-negotiable inevitability …


SO Olaleye, AS Adegoke, SE Agbato‏ - researchgate.net
The potential of Blockchain technology to transform land management systems becomes
increasingly apparent as it gains momentum. This study investigated the prospects of …

Analysis of elevation models for Nigerian 2D cadastre height determination

AI ABIDOYE, CO OLUWADARE… - African Journal on Land …, 2019‏ - revues.imist.ma
In Nigeria, the spatial requirements of cadastral map for the purposes of land registration are
based on 2D planimetric boundary coordinates without consideration for the elevation …

[PDF][PDF] Suggested framework for integrating elevation data into existing planimetric cadastre system in Nigeria

AI ABIDOYE, CO OLUWADARE, SO BABALOLA - Education, 2016‏ - researchgate.net
Issues associated with urbanization, food security and climate change, are components of
sustainable global agenda that require effective and efficient land management concepts …

[کتاب][B] Effects of Land Administration System on Existing Low-Cost Houses in Gauteng, South Africa

GK Makgobi - 2019‏ - search.proquest.com
Land Administration is a process achieved by national government to manage economic
features associated with rights in land, controlling of public land, recording private rights in …

[PDF][PDF] 몽골 토지행정도메인모델의 국가 프로파일링에 관한 연구

B Munkhbaatar, MG Kim, JH Koh - Journal of Cadastre & Land …, 2018‏ - researchgate.net
The field of cadastre and land administration is susceptible to changes in technological
development and requires a robust system to respond. In Mongolia, there is a need for a …