[KNYGA][B] Redefining business models: Strategies for a financialized world

C Haslam, T Andersson, N Tsitsianis, YP Yin - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
The world has moved on in the advanced economies where credit based financial systems
coupled with malleable accounting systems disconnect capitalization and wealth …

Business model literature overview

A Novak - 2014 - torrossa.com
The term ʻbusiness modelʼ has rebently attrabted inbreased attention in the bontext of
finanbial reporting and was formally introdubed into the IFRS literature when IFRS 9 …

Analysis of factors affecting the sustainable success of airlines during the COVID-19 pandemic

K Kiraci, G Tanriverdi, E Akan - Transportation Research …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
The COVID-19 pandemic increased the risk of financial distress, bankruptcy, or both, in the
airline industry. Whether airlines can survive or not during and/or after the pandemic is …

Accounting for the financialized UK and US national business model

T Andersson, E Lee, G Theodosopoulos, YP Yin… - Critical perspectives on …, 2014 - Elsevier
In this paper we adopt a 'business model'conceptual framework grounded in accounting to
describe the processes and mechanisms of national economic development and …

Koncepcja i zastosowanie syntetycznego wskaźnika stopnia finansyzacji przedsiębiorstw

P Szczepankowski - Finanse, Rynki Finansowe, Ubezpieczenia, 2017 - ceeol.com
Cel–Wykazanie potrzeby opracowania i przedstawienie propozycji syntetycznego
wskaźnika stopnia finansyzacji przedsiębiorstw wraz z omówieniem możliwości jego …

[HTML][HTML] The influence of the financial logic in the National Quality Award

MBL Fantti, JC Donadone - Gestão & Produção, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
The financialization process resulted in a change in the discourse of the actors involved in
quality management, who began to incorporate concepts of financial logic as a way to meet …

[KNYGA][B] Financeirização: Impactos sobre as empresas, estratégias e inovações

JL Maia - 2019 - books.google.com
Como diria a campanha de um conhecido jornal," we live in Financial Times". De fato, esse
slogan parece retratar uma série de transformações na economia, que vão desde os novos …