A comprehensive review on coupled processes and mechanisms of soil-vegetation-hydrology, and recent research advances
Research on the coupling of soil, vegetation, and hydrological processes is not only a
research hotspot in disciplines such as pedology, ecohydrology and Earth system science …
research hotspot in disciplines such as pedology, ecohydrology and Earth system science …
On the value of soil moisture measurements in vadose zone hydrology: A review
We explore and review the value of soil moisture measurements in vadose zone hydrology
with a focus on the field and catchment scales. This review is motivated by the increasing …
with a focus on the field and catchment scales. This review is motivated by the increasing …
Physically based modeling in catchment hydrology at 50: Survey and outlook
Integrated, process‐based numerical models in hydrology are rapidly evolving, spurred by
novel theories in mathematical physics, advances in computational methods, insights from …
novel theories in mathematical physics, advances in computational methods, insights from …
Development and applications of the HYDRUS and STANMOD software packages and related codes
Mathematical models have become indispensable tools for studying vadose zone flow and
transport processes. We reviewed the history of development, the main processes involved …
transport processes. We reviewed the history of development, the main processes involved …
[PDF][PDF] The HYDRUS software package for simulating two-and three-dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably-saturated media
ABSTRACT Šimůnek, J., M. Th. van Genuchten, and M. Šejna, The HYDRUS Software
Package for Simulating Two-and Three Dimensional Movement of Water, Heat, and Multiple …
Package for Simulating Two-and Three Dimensional Movement of Water, Heat, and Multiple …
Towards a comprehensive assessment of model structural adequacy
The past decade has seen significant progress in characterizing uncertainty in
environmental systems models, through statistical treatment of incomplete knowledge …
environmental systems models, through statistical treatment of incomplete knowledge …
HYDRUS: Model use, calibration, and validation
The HYDRUS numerical models are widely used for simulating water flow and solute
transport in variably saturated soils and groundwater. Applications involve a broad range of …
transport in variably saturated soils and groundwater. Applications involve a broad range of …
Modeling compensated root water and nutrient uptake
Plant root water and nutrient uptake is one of the most important processes in subsurface
unsaturated flow and transport modeling, as root uptake controls actual plant …
unsaturated flow and transport modeling, as root uptake controls actual plant …
Modeling plant–water interactions: an ecohydrological overview from the cell to the global scale
Vegetation and the water cycles are inherently coupled across a wide range of spatial and
temporal scales. Water availability interacts with plant ecophysiology and controls …
temporal scales. Water availability interacts with plant ecophysiology and controls …
Root structural and functional dynamics in terrestrial biosphere models–evaluation and recommendations
There is wide breadth of root function within ecosystems that should be considered when
modeling the terrestrial biosphere. Root structure and function are closely associated with …
modeling the terrestrial biosphere. Root structure and function are closely associated with …