Self-care technologies in HCI: Trends, tensions, and opportunities
Many studies show that self-care technologies can support patients with chronic conditions
and their carers in understanding the ill body and increasing control of their condition …
and their carers in understanding the ill body and increasing control of their condition …
[HTML][HTML] The effect of social support features and gamification on a Web-based intervention for rheumatoid arthritis patients: randomized controlled trial
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is chronic systematic disease that affects people
during the most productive period of their lives. Web-based health interventions have been …
during the most productive period of their lives. Web-based health interventions have been …
Persuasive system features in computer-mediated lifestyle modification interventions for physical activity
Objective: Increasing physical activity has been identified as one of the most important
factors in lifestyle modification. Previous studies have reported the effectiveness of using the …
factors in lifestyle modification. Previous studies have reported the effectiveness of using the …
[КНИГА][B] Improving ehealth
J van Gemert-Pijnen, O Peters, HC Ossebaard - 2013 - researchgate.net
In this chapter, we will present an overview of emerging trends and techniques for eHealth.
In order to understand the goals of the so-called '2.0'services, it is necessary to understand …
In order to understand the goals of the so-called '2.0'services, it is necessary to understand …
MobiGuide: a personalized and patient-centric decision-support system and its evaluation in the atrial fibrillation and gestational diabetes domains
MobiGuide is a ubiquitous, distributed and personalized evidence-based decision-support
system (DSS) used by patients and their care providers. Its central DSS applies computer …
system (DSS) used by patients and their care providers. Its central DSS applies computer …
A trace-based approach to identifying users' engagement and qualifying their engaged-behaviours in interactive systems: application to a social game
Analysing and monitoring users' engaged-behaviours continuously and under ecologically
valid conditions can reveal valuable information for designers and practitioners, allowing …
valid conditions can reveal valuable information for designers and practitioners, allowing …
Motivating reflection about health within the family: the use of goal setting and tailored feedback
N Colineau, C Paris - User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 2011 - Springer
It is widely acknowledged that obesity is a serious health issue. Despite governments'
campaigns and initiatives to raise the level of awareness, the proportion of adults classified …
campaigns and initiatives to raise the level of awareness, the proportion of adults classified …
The influence of a biopsychosocial educational internet-based intervention on pain, dysfunction, quality of life, and pain cognition in chronic low back pain patients in …
F Valenzuela-Pascual, F Molina, F Corbi… - BMC Medical Informatics …, 2015 - Springer
Background Low back pain is the highest reported musculoskeletal problem worldwide. Up
to 90% of patients with low back pain have no clear explanation for the source and origin of …
to 90% of patients with low back pain have no clear explanation for the source and origin of …
The influence of an educational internet-based intervention in the beliefs and attitudes of primary care professionals on non-specific chronic low back pain: study …
E García-Martínez, J Soler-González… - BMC Family …, 2019 - Springer
Background Personal convictions in referral to pain cause misbeliefs in health professionals,
which can influence patients who suffer from non-specific chronic low back pain. Likewise …
which can influence patients who suffer from non-specific chronic low back pain. Likewise …
Personalized emergency medical assistance for disabled people
L Chittaro, E Carchietti, L De Marco… - User Modeling and User …, 2011 - Springer
Being able to promptly and accurately choose a proper course of action in the field is a
crucial aspect of emergency response. For this reason, emergency medical services (EMS) …
crucial aspect of emergency response. For this reason, emergency medical services (EMS) …