Physics-informed PointNet: A deep learning solver for steady-state incompressible flows and thermal fields on multiple sets of irregular geometries
We present a novel physics-informed deep learning framework for solving steady-state
incompressible flow on multiple sets of irregular geometries by incorporating two main …
incompressible flow on multiple sets of irregular geometries by incorporating two main …
Parameters influencing the performance of nanoparticles-laden fluid-based solar thermal collectors: a review on optical properties
The continuous and increasing usage of fossil fuels is adversely impacting the environment
and also presents economical and geo-political challenges for policy makers around the …
and also presents economical and geo-political challenges for policy makers around the …
Eilmer: an open-source multi-physics hypersonic flow solver
This paper introduces Eilmer, a general-purpose open-source compressible flow solver
developed at the University of Queensland, designed to support research calculations in …
developed at the University of Queensland, designed to support research calculations in …
Conjugate Heat Transfer in High-Speed External Flows: A Review
MT Lewis, JP Hickey - Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2023 -
THERMAL management systems are an important consideration in modern aerospace
engineering. Managing the maximum heat load at the fluid–solid interface is necessary in …
engineering. Managing the maximum heat load at the fluid–solid interface is necessary in …
Effect of the length of a plate flame holder on flame blowout limit in a micro-combustor with preheating channels
J Wan, A Fan, H Yao - Combustion and Flame, 2016 - Elsevier
It is challenging to achieve a large blowout limit for micro-combustors due to the increased
heat loss ratio and reduced residence time. For this, we recently developed a micro …
heat loss ratio and reduced residence time. For this, we recently developed a micro …
Suppression of instabilities in a premixed methane–air flame in a narrow channel via hydrogen/carbon monoxide addition
The effects of hydrogen and carbon monoxide addition on premixed methane/air flame
dynamics in a heated narrow channel are numerically investigated using a time accurate …
dynamics in a heated narrow channel are numerically investigated using a time accurate …
Experimental demonstration of a novel approach to increase power conversion potential of a hydrocarbon fuelled, portable, thermophotovoltaic system
A novel, compact mesoscale thermophotovoltaic (TPV) power generating system using a
combination of porous media combustion and a simple band-pass filtering method has been …
combination of porous media combustion and a simple band-pass filtering method has been …
Dual/scram-mode combustion limits of ethylene and surrogate endothermically-cracked hydrocarbon fuels at Mach 8 equivalent high-enthalpy conditions
This paper examines the scram/dual-mode combustion limits of hydrocabon fuels within a
Mach 8, scramjet combustor. Flight-equivalent flows were delivered to the axisymmetric …
Mach 8, scramjet combustor. Flight-equivalent flows were delivered to the axisymmetric …
Performance of high mach number scramjets-Tunnel vs flight
While typically analysed through ground-based impulse facilities, scramjets experience
significant heating loads in flight, raising engine wall temperatures and the fuel used to cool …
significant heating loads in flight, raising engine wall temperatures and the fuel used to cool …
Very high-order accurate polygonal mesh finite volume scheme for conjugate heat transfer problems with curved interfaces and imperfect contacts
The conjugate heat transfer problem is found in non-isothermal physical systems that
involve thermodynamic processes between materials that are thermally coupled through …
involve thermodynamic processes between materials that are thermally coupled through …