Representing student argumentation as functionally emergent from scientific activity
E Manz - Review of Educational Research, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Science educators increasingly seek to support students' participation in scientific practices,
particularly epistemic practices, that is, those that ground authority for knowing in the …
particularly epistemic practices, that is, those that ground authority for knowing in the …
Experimental evaluations of elementary science programs: A best‐evidence synthesis
RE Slavin, C Lake, P Hanley… - Journal of Research in …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This article presents a systematic review of research on the achievement outcomes of all
types of approaches to teaching science in elementary schools. Study inclusion criteria …
types of approaches to teaching science in elementary schools. Study inclusion criteria …
Constructing representations to learn science
While there has been considerable research attention paid to ways of supporting students to
interpret and apply the multi modal representations that constitute scientific understanding …
interpret and apply the multi modal representations that constitute scientific understanding …
Key challenges and future directions for educational research on scientific argumentation
Abstract At the 2015 NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and
Learning Through Research Annual International Conference, a group of scholars held an …
Learning Through Research Annual International Conference, a group of scholars held an …
Impact of additional guidance in science education on primary students' conceptual understanding
J Decristan, AL Hondrich, G Büttner… - The Journal of …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A cognitive and a guidance dimension can describe the support of students'
conceptual understanding in inquiry-based science education. The role of guidance for …
conceptual understanding in inquiry-based science education. The role of guidance for …
Common core state standards for ELA/literacy and next generation science standards: Convergences and discrepancies using argument as an example
O Lee - Educational Researcher, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
As the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English language arts (ELA)/literacy and
the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) highlight connections across subject areas …
the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) highlight connections across subject areas …
“Oh, that makes sense”: social metacognition in small-group problem solving
Stronger metacognition, or awareness and regulation of thinking, is related to higher
academic achievement. Most metacognition research has focused at the level of the …
academic achievement. Most metacognition research has focused at the level of the …
Students' misconceptions on the concept of sound: a case study about Marinyo, Tanimbar Islands
Marinyo is a culture left by the Portuguese around the 15th century in Maluku. The purpose
of this study was to find out to what extent students' misconceptions about the concept of …
of this study was to find out to what extent students' misconceptions about the concept of …
Creating a narrated stop-motion animation to explain science: The affordances of “Slowmation” for generating discussion
G Hoban, W Nielsen - Teaching and Teacher Education, 2014 - Elsevier
This case study investigated the nature of the discussions generated when three preservice
primary teachers made a narrated stop-motion animation called “Slowmation” to explain the …
primary teachers made a narrated stop-motion animation called “Slowmation” to explain the …
Learning Science through Creating a 'Slowmation': A case study of preservice primary teachers
G Hoban, W Nielsen - International Journal of Science Education, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Many preservice primary teachers have inadequate science knowledge, which often limits
their confidence in implementing the subject. This paper proposes a new way for preservice …
their confidence in implementing the subject. This paper proposes a new way for preservice …