Recent advances in acoustic boundary element methods
The modern scope of boundary element methods (BEM) for acoustics is reviewed in this
paper. Over the last decades the BEM has gained popularity despite suffering from …
paper. Over the last decades the BEM has gained popularity despite suffering from …
[HTML][HTML] Generative adversarial networks for the design of acoustic metamaterials
Metamaterials are attracting increasing interest in the field of acoustics due to their sound
insulation effects. By periodically arranged structures, acoustic metamaterials can influence …
insulation effects. By periodically arranged structures, acoustic metamaterials can influence …
Sound radiation and non-negative intensity of a metaplate consisting of an acoustic black hole plus local resonators
While acoustic black holes (ABHs) are well-known inefficient at low frequencies. However,
attaching periodic local resonators to form a metamaterial ABH (MMABH) plate could be …
attaching periodic local resonators to form a metamaterial ABH (MMABH) plate could be …
Underwater sound radiation from a Mindlin plate with an acoustic black hole
J Deng, N Gao, X Chen, H Pu, J Guo - Ocean Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Acoustic black holes (ABHs) have been shown very efficient to reduce sound radiation in the
air. However, their underwater performance is not clear. In this paper, we consider a Mindlin …
air. However, their underwater performance is not clear. In this paper, we consider a Mindlin …
Broadband vibroacoustic reduction for a circular beam coupled with a curved acoustic black hole via nullspace method
J Deng, N Gao - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
Add-on acoustic black holes (ABHs) tend to be popular in recent years because it is not
mandatory to diminish the thickness of the host structure. Instead, ABHs are treated as …
mandatory to diminish the thickness of the host structure. Instead, ABHs are treated as …
Annular acoustic black holes to reduce sound radiation from cylindrical shells
Annular acoustic black holes (ABHs) have been recently proposed as a potential means for
reducing vibrations of cylindrical shells. The latter are very common structures in the naval …
reducing vibrations of cylindrical shells. The latter are very common structures in the naval …
Vibroacoustic mitigation for a cylindrical shell coupling with an acoustic black hole plate using Gaussian expansion component mode synthesis
J Deng, N Gao, L Tang, H Hou, K Chen, L Zheng - Composite Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper, we consider a composite cylindrical shell having an internal thin plate. When
some ABHs are embedded on the interior floor, the vibration of the cylindrical shell and the …
some ABHs are embedded on the interior floor, the vibration of the cylindrical shell and the …
Reconfigurable piezoelectric metamaterial for selective noise directivity
This work explores strategies to change the directivity of sound radiated from an oscillating
metamaterial plate. To this end, the vibro-acoustic behavior of a plate that hosts an array of …
metamaterial plate. To this end, the vibro-acoustic behavior of a plate that hosts an array of …
Boundary element method for time-harmonic acoustic problems
S Marburg - Computational Acoustics, 2018 - Springer
This chapter presents an introduction to the solution of time-harmonic acoustic problems by
a boundary element method (BEM). Specifically, the Helmholtz equation with admittance …
a boundary element method (BEM). Specifically, the Helmholtz equation with admittance …
Sound field reconstruction using inverse boundary element method and sparse regularization
CX Bi, Y Liu, YB Zhang, L Xu - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
The inverse boundary element method (IBEM) is a powerful tool for realizing sound field
reconstruction of sources with arbitrarily-shaped surfaces. In the conventional IBEM, the …
reconstruction of sources with arbitrarily-shaped surfaces. In the conventional IBEM, the …