Recent advances in acoustic boundary element methods

S Preuss, C Gurbuz, C Jelich, SK Baydoun… - Journal of Theoretical …, 2022 - World Scientific
The modern scope of boundary element methods (BEM) for acoustics is reviewed in this
paper. Over the last decades the BEM has gained popularity despite suffering from …

[HTML][HTML] Generative adversarial networks for the design of acoustic metamaterials

C Gurbuz, F Kronowetter, C Dietz, M Eser… - The Journal of the …, 2021 -
Metamaterials are attracting increasing interest in the field of acoustics due to their sound
insulation effects. By periodically arranged structures, acoustic metamaterials can influence …

Sound radiation and non-negative intensity of a metaplate consisting of an acoustic black hole plus local resonators

J Deng, O Guasch, L Maxit, N Gao - Composite Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
While acoustic black holes (ABHs) are well-known inefficient at low frequencies. However,
attaching periodic local resonators to form a metamaterial ABH (MMABH) plate could be …

Underwater sound radiation from a Mindlin plate with an acoustic black hole

J Deng, N Gao, X Chen, H Pu, J Guo - Ocean Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Acoustic black holes (ABHs) have been shown very efficient to reduce sound radiation in the
air. However, their underwater performance is not clear. In this paper, we consider a Mindlin …

Broadband vibroacoustic reduction for a circular beam coupled with a curved acoustic black hole via nullspace method

J Deng, N Gao - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
Add-on acoustic black holes (ABHs) tend to be popular in recent years because it is not
mandatory to diminish the thickness of the host structure. Instead, ABHs are treated as …

Annular acoustic black holes to reduce sound radiation from cylindrical shells

J Deng, O Guasch, L Maxit, L Zheng - Mechanical Systems and Signal …, 2021 - Elsevier
Annular acoustic black holes (ABHs) have been recently proposed as a potential means for
reducing vibrations of cylindrical shells. The latter are very common structures in the naval …

Vibroacoustic mitigation for a cylindrical shell coupling with an acoustic black hole plate using Gaussian expansion component mode synthesis

J Deng, N Gao, L Tang, H Hou, K Chen, L Zheng - Composite Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper, we consider a composite cylindrical shell having an internal thin plate. When
some ABHs are embedded on the interior floor, the vibration of the cylindrical shell and the …

Reconfigurable piezoelectric metamaterial for selective noise directivity

CS Schimidt, LPR de Oliveira, CDM Junior - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2024 - Elsevier
This work explores strategies to change the directivity of sound radiated from an oscillating
metamaterial plate. To this end, the vibro-acoustic behavior of a plate that hosts an array of …

Boundary element method for time-harmonic acoustic problems

S Marburg - Computational Acoustics, 2018 - Springer
This chapter presents an introduction to the solution of time-harmonic acoustic problems by
a boundary element method (BEM). Specifically, the Helmholtz equation with admittance …

Sound field reconstruction using inverse boundary element method and sparse regularization

CX Bi, Y Liu, YB Zhang, L Xu - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2019 -
The inverse boundary element method (IBEM) is a powerful tool for realizing sound field
reconstruction of sources with arbitrarily-shaped surfaces. In the conventional IBEM, the …