Robust poor man's Majorana zero modes using Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states

F Zatelli, D van Driel, D Xu, G Wang, CX Liu… - Nature …, 2024 -
Kitaev chains in quantum dot-superconductor arrays are a promising platform for the
realization of topological superconductivity. As recently demonstrated, even a two-site chain …

A two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas

SLD Ten Haaf, Q Wang, AM Bozkurt, CX Liu, I Kulesh… - Nature, 2024 -
Artificial Kitaev chains can be used to engineer Majorana bound states (MBSs) in
superconductor–semiconductor hybrids,,–. In this work, we realize a two-site Kitaev chain in …

Revolutionizing ORR catalyst design through computational methodologies and materials informatics

LEB Lucchetti, JM de Almeida, S Siahrostami - EES Catalysis, 2024 -
Computational approaches, such as density functional theory (DFT) in conjunction with
descriptor-based analysis and computational hydrogen electrode, have enabled exploring …

Even-odd effect on robustness of Majorana edge states in short Kitaev chains

M Ezawa - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
We construct two-band effective models describing Majorana edge states in a short Kitaev
chain. We derive an analytical formula for the effective Hamiltonian as a function of model …

From perfect to imperfect poor man's Majoranas in minimal Kitaev chains

M Luethi, HF Legg, D Loss, J Klinovaja - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Poor man's Majoranas (PMMs) hold the promise to engineer Majorana bound states in a
highly tunable setup consisting of a chain of quantum dots that are connected via …

Subgap states in semiconductor-superconductor devices for quantum technologies: Andreev qubits and minimal Majorana chains

R Seoane Souto, R Aguado - New Trends and Platforms for Quantum …, 2024 - Springer
In recent years, experimental advances have made it possible to achieve an unprecedented
degree of control over the properties of subgap bound states in hybrid nanoscale …

Machine-learned tuning of artificial Kitaev chains from tunneling spectroscopy measurements

J Benestad, A Tsintzis, RS Souto, M Leijnse… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
We demonstrate reliable machine-learned tuning of quantum-dot-based artificial Kitaev
chains to Majorana sweet spots, using the covariance matrix adaptation algorithm. We show …

Quantum dot based Kitaev chains: Majorana quality measures and scaling with increasing chain length

V Svensson, M Leijnse - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Realizing Majorana bound states (MBSs) in short, well-controllable chains of coupled
quantum dots sidesteps the problem of disorder but requires finetuning and does not give …

Identifying trivial and Majorana zero-energy modes using the Majorana polarization

OA Awoga, J Cayao - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
In this work we consider superconductor-semiconductor hybrids containing both trivial and
Majorana zero modes and explore their signatures in the Majorana polarization. In …

Flux-tunable Kitaev chain in a quantum dot array

JD Torres Luna, AM Bozkurt, M Wimmer, CX Liu - SciPost Physics Core, 2024 -
Connecting quantum dots through Andreev bound states in a semiconductor-
superconductor hybrid provides a platform to create a Kitaev chain. Interestingly, in a double …