Study on the differences and main controlling factors of the coalbed methane wells between single layer and multi layer drainage

GB LI, GF LI - Journal of China Coal Society, 2012 -
In order to find out the feasible colayer drainage between No. 3 and No. 15 coal reservoir in
the southern Qinshui Basinaccording to the producing gas characteristics of CBM vertical …

[PDF][PDF] 煤层气井单层与合层排采异同点及主控因素

**国彪, **国富 - 煤炭学报, 2012 -
为了查明山西沁南地区煤层气井3 号和15 号煤层合层排采是否可行, 根据煤层气垂直井产气
特点, 在系统分析煤层气垂直井合层排采的关键控制和影响因素基础上, 得出产气液面高度 …

Key geologic factors and control mechanisms of water production and gas production divergences between CBM wells in Fanzhuang block

SJ LIU, SX SANG, MX LI, HH LIU… - Journal of China …, 2013 -
Production characteristics of coal bed methane (CBM) wells in Fanzhuang block were
studied. Geologic factors that affect divergences of water production and gas production …

[PDF][PDF] 樊庄区块煤层气井产能差异的关键地质影响因素及其控制机理

刘世奇, 桑树勋, **梦溪, 刘会虎, 黄华州, 张杰芳… - 煤炭学报, 2013 -
以樊庄区块16 口煤层气井地质资料, 排采资料为依据, 分析了该区块煤层气井之间产水量和产
气量差异的地质影响因素, 并进一步探讨了这种差异的地质控制机理. 研究结果表明: 产水阶段 …

Rules of coal powder migration and deposition in the proppant fracture

Y LIU, SA ZHANG, LH CAO, SZ MENG… - Journal of China Coal …, 2014 -
In order to deal with the problem that coal reservoir produces large amounts of coal powder
easily in the process of fracturingthe physical simulation experiments about fluid flow of …


赵兴龙, 汤达祯, 张岩 - 煤炭科学技术, 2021 -
为了建立适合延川南煤层气田深部煤层气藏的排采制度, 一方面通过镜质组反射率测试,
压汞试验和核磁共振试验等手段, 分析了延川南煤层气田煤层孔隙性发育在各煤阶煤层中所处的 …

Analysis on the type of reservoir pressure drop and drainage control of coalbed methane well in the southern block of Shizhuang

YI Yongxiang, T Shuheng, Z Songhang… - Coal Geology & …, 2019 -
In order to fully understand the reservoir pressure variation characteristics of coalbed
methane wells in the southern block of Shizhuang and based on the analysis of reservoir …

Establishment and optimization of drainage system for deep coalbed methane in south Yanchuan CBM field

X ZHAO, D TANG, Y ZHANG - Coal Science and Technology, 2021 -
In order to establish the drainage system suitable for deep coalbed methane in South
Yanchuan CBM Field, on the one hand, the vitrinite reflectance test, mercury intrusion test …

[PDF][PDF] 彬长矿区低煤阶煤层气井的排采特征与井型优化

林柏泉, **庆钊, 原德胜, **继昌, 陈跟马, 王可 - 煤炭学报, 2015 -
为研究我国西部侏罗纪低阶煤储层瓦斯的地面井排采特性及影响因素, 以彬长矿区大佛寺井田
煤层气井的地质资料, 历史排采数据为基础, 分析了该区块不同井型煤层气井的产水量 …

Sensitivity of high-rank coal-bed methane reservoir in the Southern Qinshui Basin

YD TIAN, J WU - Journal of China Coal Society, 2014 -
In order to achieve a high-efficient exploitation of CBM in the southern Qinshui Basinthe
velocity sensitivitywater sensitivityalkaline sensitivity and stress sensitivity of the main …