Semantics and machine learning: A new generation of court management systems

E Fersini, E Messina, F Archetti, M Cislaghi - … Joint Conference on …, 2010 - Springer
The progressive deployment of ICT technologies in the courtroom, jointly with the
requirement for paperless judicial folders pushed by e-justice plans, are quickly transforming …

Comparative assessment of efficiency for content based image retrieval systems using different wavelet features and pre-classifier

M Chowdhury, MK Kundu - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Recently, Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has emerged as an active
research area having applications in various fields. There exist several states-of-the art …

[PDF][PDF] Semantics and Machine Learning for Building the Next Generation of Judicial Court Management Systems.

E Fersini, E Messina, D Toscani, F Archetti, M Cislaghi - KMIS, 2010 -
Information and Communication Technologies play a fundamental role in e-justice: the
traditional judicial folder is being transformed into an integrated multimedia folder, where …

Parallel multi-tree indexing for evaluating large descriptor sets

L Kovács - 2013 11th International Workshop on Content …, 2013 -
This paper presents a method towards easier evaluation of a large number of different
image/video content descriptors, by using a multiple descriptor-tree based parallel indexing …

Shape-and-motion-fused multiple flying target recognition and tracking

L Kovács, Á Utasi - … XXIV; and Optical Pattern Recognition XXI, 2010 -
This paper presents an automatic approach for camera/image based detection, recognition
and tracking of flying objects (planes, missiles, etc.). The method detects appearing objects …

Semantic storyboard of judicial debates: a novel multimedia summarization environment

E Fersini, F Sartori - Program, 2012 -
Purpose–The need of tools for content analysis, information extraction and retrieval of
multimedia objects in their native form is strongly emphasized into the judicial domain …

Towards a smooth e-justice: Semantic models and machine learning

E Fersini, F Archetti, E Messina - Integration of Practice-Oriented …, 2013 - Springer
The dynamic deployment of Information and Communication Technologies in the judicial
field, together with the dematerialization of proceedings pushed by e-justice plans, is …

Improving the effectiveness of multimedia summarization of judicial debates through ontological query expansion

E Fersini, F Sartori - International Conference on Advanced Information …, 2011 - Springer
The growing amount of multimedia data acquired during courtroom debates makes
information and knowledge management in judicial domain a real challenge. In this paper …