Understanding the first person experience of walking mindfulness meditation facilitated by EEG modulated interactive soundscape

K Cochrane, L Loke, M Leete, A Campbell… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Walking meditation is a form of mindfulness training, where the act of walking provides a
rhythmic meter for attentional focus. Whilst digital technologies to support sitting meditation …

[HTML][HTML] Feasibility and performance test of a real-time sensor-informed context-sensitive ecological momentary assessment to capture physical activity

GF Dunton, E Dzubur, S Intille - Journal of medical Internet research, 2016 - jmir.org
Background Objective physical activity monitors (eg, accelerometers) have high rates of
nonwear and do not provide contextual information about behavior. Objective This study …

Barrier detection using sensor data from unimpaired pedestrians

A Miyata, I Araki, T Wang - … Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual …, 2018 - Springer
There are several barriers (eg, steps, slopes) that hinder the free movement of impaired
people, both indoors and outdoors. Existing approaches for detecting barriers have an …

Can shank acceleration provide a clinically feasible surrogate for individual limb propulsion during walking?

NL Pieper, MD Lewek, JR Franz - Journal of Biomechanics, 2020 - Elsevier
Aging and many pathologies that affect gait are associated with reduced ankle power output
and thus trailing limb propulsion during walking. However, quantifying trailing limb …

Estimation of Sidewalk Surface Type with a Smartphone

S Kobayashi, R Katsurada, T Hasegawa - Proceedings of the 2019 7th …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
In this study, we developed a method for estimating the type of sidewalk surface with
acceleration data measured by a smartphone's accelerometer while the user is walking. If …


小林慧, 長谷川達人 - マルチメディア, 分散協調とモバイル …, 2020 - ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp
論文抄録 本研究では, スマートフォンに搭載されている加速度センサを用いて歩行時の 3
軸加速度データを収集し, 得られた値からユーザが歩行した路面の形状を推定する手法を開発する …

[PDF][PDF] Effects of Prescriptive Design on the Usage of a Walking App

A Khatri - 2015 - uh-ir.tdl.org
Walking is the most ubiquitous physical activity. Natural walking opportunities, however,
have been declining in developed societies. This decline has been linked to the rise of …