Understanding the first person experience of walking mindfulness meditation facilitated by EEG modulated interactive soundscape
Walking meditation is a form of mindfulness training, where the act of walking provides a
rhythmic meter for attentional focus. Whilst digital technologies to support sitting meditation …
rhythmic meter for attentional focus. Whilst digital technologies to support sitting meditation …
[HTML][HTML] Feasibility and performance test of a real-time sensor-informed context-sensitive ecological momentary assessment to capture physical activity
Background Objective physical activity monitors (eg, accelerometers) have high rates of
nonwear and do not provide contextual information about behavior. Objective This study …
nonwear and do not provide contextual information about behavior. Objective This study …
Barrier detection using sensor data from unimpaired pedestrians
A Miyata, I Araki, T Wang - … Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual …, 2018 - Springer
There are several barriers (eg, steps, slopes) that hinder the free movement of impaired
people, both indoors and outdoors. Existing approaches for detecting barriers have an …
people, both indoors and outdoors. Existing approaches for detecting barriers have an …
Can shank acceleration provide a clinically feasible surrogate for individual limb propulsion during walking?
Aging and many pathologies that affect gait are associated with reduced ankle power output
and thus trailing limb propulsion during walking. However, quantifying trailing limb …
and thus trailing limb propulsion during walking. However, quantifying trailing limb …
Estimation of Sidewalk Surface Type with a Smartphone
S Kobayashi, R Katsurada, T Hasegawa - Proceedings of the 2019 7th …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
In this study, we developed a method for estimating the type of sidewalk surface with
acceleration data measured by a smartphone's accelerometer while the user is walking. If …
acceleration data measured by a smartphone's accelerometer while the user is walking. If …
小林慧, 長谷川達人 - マルチメディア, 分散協調とモバイル …, 2020 - ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp
論文抄録 本研究では, スマートフォンに搭載されている加速度センサを用いて歩行時の 3
軸加速度データを収集し, 得られた値からユーザが歩行した路面の形状を推定する手法を開発する …
軸加速度データを収集し, 得られた値からユーザが歩行した路面の形状を推定する手法を開発する …
[PDF][PDF] Effects of Prescriptive Design on the Usage of a Walking App
A Khatri - 2015 - uh-ir.tdl.org
Walking is the most ubiquitous physical activity. Natural walking opportunities, however,
have been declining in developed societies. This decline has been linked to the rise of …
have been declining in developed societies. This decline has been linked to the rise of …