What does the functional organization of cortico-hippocampal networks tell us about the functional organization of memory?
Historically, research on the cognitive processes that support human memory proceeded, to
a large extent, independently of research on the neural basis of memory. Accumulating …
a large extent, independently of research on the neural basis of memory. Accumulating …
The cortical organization of syntax
Abstract Syntax, the structure of sentences, enables humans to express an infinite range of
meanings through finite means. The neurobiology of syntax has been intensely studied but …
meanings through finite means. The neurobiology of syntax has been intensely studied but …
Verbal working memory and the phonological buffer: The question of serial order
S Majerus - Cortex, 2019 - Elsevier
The concept of modality specific buffers for the temporary storage of information is a
fundamental characteristic of the Working memory model proposed by Baddeley and Hitch …
fundamental characteristic of the Working memory model proposed by Baddeley and Hitch …
Neural networks for sentence comprehension and production: An ALE‐based meta‐analysis of neuroimaging studies
Comprehending and producing sentences is a complex endeavor requiring the coordinated
activity of multiple brain regions. We examined three issues related to the brain networks …
activity of multiple brain regions. We examined three issues related to the brain networks …
Commonalities and asymmetries in the neurobiological infrastructure for language production and comprehension
The neurobiology of sentence production has been largely understudied compared to the
neurobiology of sentence comprehension, due to difficulties with experimental control and …
neurobiology of sentence comprehension, due to difficulties with experimental control and …
[HTML][HTML] Common and distinct neural substrates of sentence production and comprehension
Functional neuroimaging and lesion-symptom map** investigations implicate a left frontal–
temporal–parietal network for sentence processing. The majority of studies have focused on …
temporal–parietal network for sentence processing. The majority of studies have focused on …
Seeing minds, matter, and meaning: The CEEing model of pre-reflective subjective construal.
MD Lieberman - Psychological review, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
Although subjective construal (ie, our personal understanding of situations and the people
and objects within them) has been an enduring topic in social psychology, its underlying …
and objects within them) has been an enduring topic in social psychology, its underlying …
Dissociating nouns and verbs in temporal and perisylvian networks: Evidence from neurodegenerative diseases
Naming of nouns and verbs can be selectively impaired in neurological disorders, but the
specificity of the neural and cognitive correlates of such dissociation remains unclear …
specificity of the neural and cognitive correlates of such dissociation remains unclear …
The temporal dynamics of structure and content in sentence comprehension: Evidence from fMRI‐constrained MEG
Humans have a striking capacity to combine words into sentences that express new
meanings. Previous research has identified key brain regions involved in this capacity, but …
meanings. Previous research has identified key brain regions involved in this capacity, but …
[HTML][HTML] Isolating syntax in natural language: MEG evidence for an early contribution of left posterior temporal cortex
Although the construction of syntactic structures is considered a fundamental component of
language processing, insights concerning its neurobiological basis have remained elusive …
language processing, insights concerning its neurobiological basis have remained elusive …