A tool for differential diagnosis of childhood apraxia of speech and dysarthria in children: A tutorial
Purpose: While there has been mounting research centered on the diagnosis of childhood
apraxia of speech (CAS), little has focused on differentiating CAS from pediatric dysarthria …
apraxia of speech (CAS), little has focused on differentiating CAS from pediatric dysarthria …
Oromotor skills in autism spectrum disorder: A sco** review
Oromotor functioning plays a foundational role in spoken communication and feeding, two
areas of significant difficulty for many autistic individuals. However, despite years of research …
areas of significant difficulty for many autistic individuals. However, despite years of research …
The apraxia of speech rating scale: Reliability, validity, and utility
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the interrater reliability and validity of the
Apraxia of Speech Rating Scale (ASRS-3.5) as an index of the presence and severity of …
Apraxia of Speech Rating Scale (ASRS-3.5) as an index of the presence and severity of …
An update on apraxia of speech
RL Utianski, KA Josephs - Current neurology and neuroscience reports, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Purpose of Review Apraxia of speech (AOS) is a motor speech disorder that has
long been recognized to occur secondary to acute neurologic insults and, more recently, to …
long been recognized to occur secondary to acute neurologic insults and, more recently, to …
The feel of speech: Multisystem and polymodal somatosensation in speech production
RD Kent - Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2024 - pubs.asha.org
Purpose: The oral structures such as the tongue and lips have remarkable somatosensory
capacities, but understanding the roles of somatosensation in speech production requires a …
capacities, but understanding the roles of somatosensation in speech production requires a …
Perceptual classification of motor speech disorders: The role of severity, speech task, and listener's expertise
Purpose: The clinical diagnosis of motor speech disorders (MSDs) is mainly based on
perceptual approaches. However, studies on perceptual classification of MSDs often …
perceptual approaches. However, studies on perceptual classification of MSDs often …
The prevalence of apraxia of speech in chronic aphasia after stroke: A bayesian hierarchical analysis
Apraxia of speech is a motor speech disorder that occurs after lesions to the left cerebral
hemisphere, most often concomitant with aphasia. It requires specific approaches in the …
hemisphere, most often concomitant with aphasia. It requires specific approaches in the …
Clinical practice of childhood apraxia of speech in Hong Kong: A web-based survey study
Background A survey study on clinical practice not only provides insight into the
implementation of knowledge, but also informs future investigations. There is a limited …
implementation of knowledge, but also informs future investigations. There is a limited …
How to cut the pie is no piece of cake: toward a process‐oriented approach to assessment and diagnosis of speech sound disorders
Background 'Speech sound disorder'is an umbrella term that encompasses dysarthria,
articulation disorders, childhood apraxia of speech and phonological disorders. However …
articulation disorders, childhood apraxia of speech and phonological disorders. However …
Connected speech fluency in poststroke and progressive aphasia: A sco** review of quantitative approaches and features
Purpose: Speech fluency has important diagnostic implications for individuals with
poststroke aphasia (PSA) as well as primary progressive aphasia (PPA), and quantitative …
poststroke aphasia (PSA) as well as primary progressive aphasia (PPA), and quantitative …