Political misinformation and factual corrections on the Facebook news feed: Experimental evidence

E Porter, TJ Wood - The Journal of Politics, 2022‏ - journals.uchicago.edu
As concerns about the spread of political misinformation have mounted, scholars have found
that fact-checks can reduce the extent to which people believe misinformation. Whether this …

Scrolling headlines and clicking stories: content differences and implications associated with increased scrollability of news

JT Feezell, K Searles, JK Wagner, J Darr… - Journal of Information …, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
Technological affordances have changed how people consume news; more people report
scrolling headlines than actually reading stories. Despite the commonality of headline …

Ready for a woman president? Polls, public comfort, and perceptions of electability in the 2020 Democratic nomination

SL DeMora, CA Lindke, JL Merolla… - Public Opinion …, 2022‏ - academic.oup.com
Even though a record number of women ran for the Democratic nomination in 2020,
Clinton's loss in 2016 led pundits, party elites, and voters to worry about whether the country …

Strategic government communication about performance

J de Benedictis-Kessner - Political Science Research and Methods, 2022‏ - cambridge.org
A great deal of research presents the correspondence between economic conditions and
incumbent electoral fortunes as evidence of democratic accountability. A central theoretical …

The partisanship of mayors has no detectable effect on police spending, police employment, crime, or arrests

J de Benedictis-Kessner, M Harvey, D Jones… - Science …, 2025‏ - science.org
In this paper, we examine whether mayors' partisan affiliations lead to differences in crime
and policing. We use a large new dataset on mayoral elections and three different modern …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamic persuasion: decay and accumulation of partisan media persuasion

Z Markovich, MA Baum, AJ Berinsky… - Annual Meeting of …, 2020‏ - scholar.harvard.edu
The single shot nature of experiments on the effects of partisan media on public opinion may
limit the relevance of estimates that such studies produce for politics and policy. For …

Is the Medium Still the Message? Assessing the Role of Video in Political Persuasion

C Wittenberg - 2023‏ - dspace.mit.edu
Video is a central—and growing—part of the American political landscape. Whether via
televised news programs, campaign advertising, or social media posts on YouTube and …

Explaining Presidential Approval, 1993-2020: An Examination of the Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump Presidencies

C Ostrom, A Kraitzman, B Newman - Authorea Preprints, 2024‏ - advance.sagepub.com
Can public support for recent presidents be explained by long-held findings in the
presidential approval literature? The presidencies, of Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, and …

[كتاب][B] Agenda Cueing in Aggregated Newsfeeds

K Bryanov - 2020‏ - search.proquest.com
This dissertation brings together the findings from three experimental studies that seek to
understand how exposure to information in an online news aggregating portal can influence …

[كتاب][B] Can Cooler Heads Prevail? New Media Technology and Affective Polarization

BK Watson - 2019‏ - search.proquest.com
Are new media technologies stirring up negative partisan feelings in the American public?
Can researchers find ways of using new media tools to reduce affective polarization …