Gestural and prosodic development act as sister systems and jointly pave the way for children's sociopragmatic development
I Hübscher, P Prieto - Frontiers in Psychology, 2019 -
Children might combine gesture and prosody to express a pragmatic meaning such as a
request, information focus, uncertainty or politeness, before they can convey these …
request, information focus, uncertainty or politeness, before they can convey these …
Processing of ironic language in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
We examined processing of verbal irony in three groups of children:(1) 18 children with high-
functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFASD),(2) 18 typically-develo** children …
functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFASD),(2) 18 typically-develo** children …
[HTML][HTML] Children's metonymy comprehension: Evidence from eye-tracking and picture selection
In this paper we investigate children's processing and comprehension of metonymy, a type
of figurative use of language where an object or individual is referred to via a salient …
of figurative use of language where an object or individual is referred to via a salient …
Children and adults understand that verbal irony interpretation depends on listener knowledge
ES Nilsen, M Glenwright, V Huyder - Journal of Cognition and …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Incongruity between a positive statement and a negative context is a cue to verbal irony.
Two studies examined whether school-age children and adults recognized that listeners …
Two studies examined whether school-age children and adults recognized that listeners …
Words are not enough: how preschoolers' integration of perspective and emotion informs their referential understanding
When linguistic information alone does not clarify a speaker's intended meaning, skilled
communicators can draw on a variety of cues to infer communicative intent. In this paper, we …
communicators can draw on a variety of cues to infer communicative intent. In this paper, we …
Pragmatic development
G Airenti - Research in clinical pragmatics, 2017 - Springer
In this chapter, the development of pragmatic abilities in children is described. Pragmatic
abilities are a multifaceted skill. It is argued that using and interpreting language in …
abilities are a multifaceted skill. It is argued that using and interpreting language in …
Preschoolers' appreciation of speaker vocal affect as a cue to referential intent
An eye tracking methodology was used to evaluate 3-and 4-year-old children's sensitivity to
speaker affect when resolving referential ambiguity. Children were presented with pictures …
speaker affect when resolving referential ambiguity. Children were presented with pictures …
Perspective-taking during conversation
S Brown-Schmidt, D Heller - 2018 -
In conversation, each person has their own perspective which is shaped by their unique set
of life experiences. Considering of how one's own perspective is similar to, or different from …
of life experiences. Considering of how one's own perspective is similar to, or different from …
How do 3-and 5-year-olds respond to under-and over-informative utterances?
As children learn their native languages, they come to have detailed expectations about how
to refer to things. These expectations and the detection of their violations are key to …
to refer to things. These expectations and the detection of their violations are key to …
Three-year-olds' perspective-taking in social interactions: Relations with socio-cognitive skills
Understanding others' perspectives and integrating this knowledge in social interactions is
challenging for young children; even adults struggle with this skill. While young children …
challenging for young children; even adults struggle with this skill. While young children …