Does migrating a monolithic system to microservices decrease the technical debt?
Background: The migration from a monolithic system to microservices requires a deep
refactoring of the system. Therefore, such a migration usually has a big economic impact …
refactoring of the system. Therefore, such a migration usually has a big economic impact …
The impact of using biased performance metrics on software defect prediction research
J Yao, M Shepperd - Information and Software Technology, 2021 - Elsevier
Context: Software engineering researchers have undertaken many experiments
investigating the potential of software defect prediction algorithms. Unfortunately some …
investigating the potential of software defect prediction algorithms. Unfortunately some …
Improving chatgpt prompt for code generation
Automated code generation can be a powerful technique for software development,
significantly reducing developers' efforts and time required to create new code by generating …
significantly reducing developers' efforts and time required to create new code by generating …
The technical debt dataset
Technical Debt analysis is increasing in popularity as nowadays researchers and industry
are adopting various tools for static code analysis to evaluate the quality of their code …
are adopting various tools for static code analysis to evaluate the quality of their code …
On the diffuseness of technical debt items and accuracy of remediation time when using SonarQube
Context. Among the static analysis tools available, SonarQube is one of the most used.
SonarQube detects Technical Debt (TD) items—ie, violations of coding rules—and then …
SonarQube detects Technical Debt (TD) items—ie, violations of coding rules—and then …
[HTML][HTML] A critical comparison on six static analysis tools: Detection, agreement, and precision
Abstract Background: Developers use Static Analysis Tools (SATs) to control for potential
quality issues in source code, including defects and technical debt. Tool vendors have …
quality issues in source code, including defects and technical debt. Tool vendors have …
Evaluating SZZ implementations through a developer-informed oracle
The SZZ algorithm for identifying bug-inducing changes has been widely used to evaluate
defect prediction techniques and to empirically investigate when, how, and by whom bugs …
defect prediction techniques and to empirically investigate when, how, and by whom bugs …
SpongeBugs: Automatically generating fix suggestions in response to static code analysis warnings
Static code analysis tools such as FindBugs and SonarQube are widely used on open-
source and industrial projects to detect a variety of issues that may negatively affect the …
source and industrial projects to detect a variety of issues that may negatively affect the …
A comprehensive study on quality assurance tools for java
Quality assurance (QA) tools are receiving more and more attention and are widely used by
developers. Given the wide range of solutions for QA technology, it is still a question of …
developers. Given the wide range of solutions for QA technology, it is still a question of …
Technical debt forecasting: An empirical study on open-source repositories
Technical debt (TD) is commonly used to indicate additional costs caused by quality
compromises that can yield short-term benefits in the software development process, but …
compromises that can yield short-term benefits in the software development process, but …