The evolving nature of terrestrial crust from the Hadean, through the Archaean, into the Proterozoic
BS Kamber - Precambrian Research, 2015 - Elsevier
An outstanding feature of the Archaean Eon is that it was a time of major production and
preservation of continental lithosphere. Here I review the geological, geochemical and basic …
preservation of continental lithosphere. Here I review the geological, geochemical and basic …
VizualAge: A novel approach to laser ablation ICP‐MS U‐Pb geochronology data reduction
VizualAge, a new computer software tool for analysing U‐Pb data obtained by laser ablation‐
inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry, was developed. It consists of a data …
inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry, was developed. It consists of a data …
The late Archean record: a puzzle in ca. 35 pieces
W Bleeker - Lithos, 2003 - Elsevier
The global Archean record preserves ca. 35 large cratonic fragments and a less well defined
number of smaller slivers. Most Archean cratons display rifted margins of Proterozoic age …
number of smaller slivers. Most Archean cratons display rifted margins of Proterozoic age …
[BOEK][B] Petrology of lamproites
RH Mitchell, SC Bergman - 2012 -
In this book, the first dedicated entirely to the petrology of lamproites and their relationships
to other potassium-rich rocks, the objective of the authors is to provide a comprehensive …
to other potassium-rich rocks, the objective of the authors is to provide a comprehensive …
Flat slab subduction, trench suction, and craton destruction: Comparison of the North China, Wyoming, and Brazilian cratons
The mechanisms of growth and destruction of continental lithosphere have been long
debated. We define and test a unifying plate tectonic driving mechanism that explains the …
debated. We define and test a unifying plate tectonic driving mechanism that explains the …
Early Proterozoic crustal evolution: Geochemical and NdPb isotopic evidence from metasedimentary rocks, southwestern North America
Early Proterozoic (1.8-1.7 Ga) metasedimentary rocks in northern New Mexico and southern
Colorado, USA, can be divided into turbidite successions (commonly volcanogenic) …
Colorado, USA, can be divided into turbidite successions (commonly volcanogenic) …
Petrogenesis of the 1.43 Ga Sherman batholith, SE Wyoming, USA: a reduced, rapakivi-type anorogenic granite
CD Frost, BR Frost, KR Chamberlain… - Journal of …, 1999 -
Abstract The 1.43 Ga Sherman batholith, southeastern Wyoming, USA, shows extreme A-
type petrochemical characteristics compared with other Mid-Proterozoic granite batholiths of …
type petrochemical characteristics compared with other Mid-Proterozoic granite batholiths of …
Nature versus nurture: Preservation and destruction of Archean cratons
The factors that promote stability of Archean cratons are investigated from a combined
geodynamic, geological, and geophysical perspective in order to evaluate the relative …
geodynamic, geological, and geophysical perspective in order to evaluate the relative …
Depletion and enrichment history of subcontinental lithospheric mantle: an Os, Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic study of ultramafic xenoliths from the northwestern Wyoming …
RW Carlson, AJ Irving - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1994 - Elsevier
Elemental and isotopic compositions of spinel peridotite, pyroxenite and glimmerite
xenoliths in Eocene minette dikes from the Highwood Mountains and Eagle Buttes …
xenoliths in Eocene minette dikes from the Highwood Mountains and Eagle Buttes …
Evolution of the continental crust in the Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Belt, India and new constraints for Rodinia reconstruction: implications from Sm–Nd, Rb–Sr and Pb …
K Rickers, K Mezger, MM Raith - Precambrian Research, 2001 - Elsevier
For this study Nd, Sr and Pb isotope compositions were analyzed for ortho-and
paragneisses from the Eastern Ghats Belt of India in order to determine its crust formation …
paragneisses from the Eastern Ghats Belt of India in order to determine its crust formation …