Considerations in assessing pragmatic appropriateness in spoken language
AD Cohen - Language Teaching, 2020 - cambridge.org
This paper is a revised version of a plenary prompted by the upsurge of interest in the role of
pragmatics in teaching, learning, and assessment, and has as its purpose to take a fresh …
pragmatics in teaching, learning, and assessment, and has as its purpose to take a fresh …
[หนังสือ][B] Assessing speaking in context: Expanding the construct and its applications
MR Salaberry, AR Burch - 2021 - books.google.com
This edited volume investigates the nature and possible applications of an expanded and
reconceptualized theoretical construct of speaking as a dynamic socially-constructed …
reconceptualized theoretical construct of speaking as a dynamic socially-constructed …
The Reliability Analysis of Speaking Test in Computer‐Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Environment
Speaking ability is regarded as among the essential aspects of language development. Oral
examination appeared challenging to evaluate due to the presence of human evaluators …
examination appeared challenging to evaluate due to the presence of human evaluators …
[HTML][HTML] Beyond literacy and competency–The effects of raters' perceived uncertainty on assessment of writing
M Honko, R Neittaanmäki, S Jarvis, A Huhta - Assessing Writing, 2023 - Elsevier
This study investigated how common raters' experiences of uncertainty in high-stakes testing
are before, during, and after the rating of writing performances, what these feelings of …
are before, during, and after the rating of writing performances, what these feelings of …
Investigating raters' scoring processes and strategies in paired speaking assessment
SJ Youn, S Chen - Assessing speaking in context: Expanding the …, 2021 - degruyter.com
Recent years have seen an increasing amount of research on assessing interactional
competence, including the construct coverage in relation to the theoretical construct (eg …
competence, including the construct coverage in relation to the theoretical construct (eg …
Speaker and listener variability in the perception of non-native speech
AADG Kermad - 2018 - search.proquest.com
With the ever-increasing demands for success in second language (L2) English speech,
applied linguistics research has been critical to uncovering important characteristics for …
applied linguistics research has been critical to uncovering important characteristics for …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of in-class and one-on-one video feedback on EFL learners' English public speaking competency and anxiety
The last two decades have witnessed a rise in the offering of English public speaking
courses in tertiary education in context of English as a foreign language (EFL). In teaching …
courses in tertiary education in context of English as a foreign language (EFL). In teaching …
Assessing speaking in context: Expanding the construct and the applications
1 Background Over the last three decades, the field of second language acquisition (SLA)
has witnessed two major turning points that have influenced the way we define a second …
has witnessed two major turning points that have influenced the way we define a second …
Issues in the assessment of L2 pragmatics
AD Cohen - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 2020 - degruyter.com
This paper highlights areas of concern in the assessment of pragmatics, with the intent of
stimulating fresh thinking about the assessment of pragmatics both for research purposes …
stimulating fresh thinking about the assessment of pragmatics both for research purposes …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluating rater judgments on ETIC advanced writing tasks: An application of generalizability theory and many-facets Rasch model
J Wang, K Luo - Papers in Language Testing and Assessment, 2019 - altaanz.org
Developed by China Language Assessment (CLA), the English Test for International
Communication Advanced (ETIC Advanced) assesses one's ability to perform English …
Communication Advanced (ETIC Advanced) assesses one's ability to perform English …