Considerations in assessing pragmatic appropriateness in spoken language

AD Cohen - Language Teaching, 2020 -
This paper is a revised version of a plenary prompted by the upsurge of interest in the role of
pragmatics in teaching, learning, and assessment, and has as its purpose to take a fresh …

[หนังสือ][B] Assessing speaking in context: Expanding the construct and its applications

MR Salaberry, AR Burch - 2021 -
This edited volume investigates the nature and possible applications of an expanded and
reconceptualized theoretical construct of speaking as a dynamic socially-constructed …

The Reliability Analysis of Speaking Test in Computer‐Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Environment

RMI Khan, T Kumar, A Benyo, SF Jahara… - Education Research …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Speaking ability is regarded as among the essential aspects of language development. Oral
examination appeared challenging to evaluate due to the presence of human evaluators …

[HTML][HTML] Beyond literacy and competency–The effects of raters' perceived uncertainty on assessment of writing

M Honko, R Neittaanmäki, S Jarvis, A Huhta - Assessing Writing, 2023 - Elsevier
This study investigated how common raters' experiences of uncertainty in high-stakes testing
are before, during, and after the rating of writing performances, what these feelings of …

Investigating raters' scoring processes and strategies in paired speaking assessment

SJ Youn, S Chen - Assessing speaking in context: Expanding the …, 2021 -
Recent years have seen an increasing amount of research on assessing interactional
competence, including the construct coverage in relation to the theoretical construct (eg …

Speaker and listener variability in the perception of non-native speech

AADG Kermad - 2018 -
With the ever-increasing demands for success in second language (L2) English speech,
applied linguistics research has been critical to uncovering important characteristics for …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of in-class and one-on-one video feedback on EFL learners' English public speaking competency and anxiety

T Liu, V Aryadoust - Stud. Lang. Assess, 2022 -
The last two decades have witnessed a rise in the offering of English public speaking
courses in tertiary education in context of English as a foreign language (EFL). In teaching …

Assessing speaking in context: Expanding the construct and the applications

MR Salaberry, AR Burch - … in context: Expanding the construct and …, 2021 -
1 Background Over the last three decades, the field of second language acquisition (SLA)
has witnessed two major turning points that have influenced the way we define a second …

Issues in the assessment of L2 pragmatics

AD Cohen - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 2020 -
This paper highlights areas of concern in the assessment of pragmatics, with the intent of
stimulating fresh thinking about the assessment of pragmatics both for research purposes …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluating rater judgments on ETIC advanced writing tasks: An application of generalizability theory and many-facets Rasch model

J Wang, K Luo - Papers in Language Testing and Assessment, 2019 -
Developed by China Language Assessment (CLA), the English Test for International
Communication Advanced (ETIC Advanced) assesses one's ability to perform English …