[HTML][HTML] Production, maintenance and resource scheduling: A review
Production scheduling that involves maintenance activities and resource constraints plays a
crucial role in manufacturing and service environments of the modern age. While research …
crucial role in manufacturing and service environments of the modern age. While research …
[HTML][HTML] A review and classification on distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problems
P Perez-Gonzalez, JM Framinan - European Journal of Operational …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Distributed Permutation Flowshop Scheduling (DPFS) problem is one of the
fastest-growing topics in the scheduling literature, which in turn is among the most prolific …
fastest-growing topics in the scheduling literature, which in turn is among the most prolific …
Digital twin-enabled dynamic scheduling with preventive maintenance using a double-layer Q-learning algorithm
Q Yan, H Wang, F Wu - Computers & Operations Research, 2022 - Elsevier
Dynamic scheduling methods are essential and critical to manufacturing systems because of
uncertain events in the production process, such as new job insertions, order cancellations …
uncertain events in the production process, such as new job insertions, order cancellations …
An adaptive artificial bee colony with reinforcement learning for distributed three-stage assembly scheduling with maintenance
Distributed three-stage assembly scheduling problem extensively exists in the real-life
assembly production process and is seldom considered. The integration of reinforcement …
assembly production process and is seldom considered. The integration of reinforcement …
An effective multi-start iterated greedy algorithm to minimize makespan for the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem with preventive maintenance
In recent years, distributed scheduling problems have been well studied for their close
connection with multi-factory production networks. However, the maintenance operations …
connection with multi-factory production networks. However, the maintenance operations …
Optimal production and maintenance scheduling for a degrading multi-failure modes single-machine production environment
Two important aspects of manufacturing systems are production scheduling and
maintenance planning. These aspects are interdependent, but in most research work, this …
maintenance planning. These aspects are interdependent, but in most research work, this …
An efficient collaborative multi-swap iterated greedy algorithm for the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem with preventive maintenance
Under the context of globalization, distributed multi-factory production model is becoming
the mainstream of the manufacturing industry because it provides enterprises with flexible …
the mainstream of the manufacturing industry because it provides enterprises with flexible …
A hash map-based memetic algorithm for the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem with preventive maintenance to minimize total flowtime
Distributed scheduling problems have been an active research topic due to their close
connection with the multifactory production environment in today's decentralized economy …
connection with the multifactory production environment in today's decentralized economy …
An iterated greedy algorithm for distributed blocking flow shop with setup times and maintenance operations to minimize makespan
Nowadays, distributed scheduling problem is a reality in many companies. Over the last
years, an increasingly attention has been given by distributed flow shop scheduling …
years, an increasingly attention has been given by distributed flow shop scheduling …
Maintenance costs and makespan minimization for assembly permutation flow shop scheduling by considering preventive and corrective maintenance
The joint optimization of production scheduling and maintenance planning has a significant
influence on production continuity and machine reliability. However, limited research …
influence on production continuity and machine reliability. However, limited research …