Angle-resolved photoemission studies of quantum materials
The physics of quantum materials is dictated by many-body interactions and mathematical
concepts such as symmetry and topology that have transformed our understanding of matter …
concepts such as symmetry and topology that have transformed our understanding of matter …
Flat bands, strange metals and the Kondo effect
Flat-band materials such as the kagome metals or moiré superlattices are of intense current
interest. Flat bands can result from the electron motion on numerous (special) lattices and …
interest. Flat bands can result from the electron motion on numerous (special) lattices and …
Interacting topological insulators: a review
S Rachel - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2018 -
The discovery of the quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators more than a decade
ago has revolutionized modern condensed matter physics. Today, the field of topological …
ago has revolutionized modern condensed matter physics. Today, the field of topological …
Topological quantum matter with cold atoms
This is an introductory review of the physics of topological quantum matter with cold atoms.
Topological quantum phases, originally discovered and investigated in condensed matter …
Topological quantum phases, originally discovered and investigated in condensed matter …
Topological kondo insulators
This article reviews recent theoretical and experimental work on a new class of topological
material—topological Kondo insulators, which develop through the interplay of strong …
material—topological Kondo insulators, which develop through the interplay of strong …
Quantum materials for spin and charge conversion
Spintronics aims to utilize the spin degree of freedom for information storage and computing
applications. One major issue is the generation and detection of spins via spin and charge …
applications. One major issue is the generation and detection of spins via spin and charge …
[KNJIGA][B] Materials aspect of thermoelectricity
C Uher - 2016 -
In recent years, novel families of materials have been discovered and significant
improvements in classical thermoelectric materials have been made. Thermoelectric …
improvements in classical thermoelectric materials have been made. Thermoelectric …
Revealing hidden spin-momentum locking in a high-temperature cuprate superconductor
Cuprate superconductors have long been thought of as having strong electronic correlations
but negligible spin-orbit coupling. Using spin-and angle-resolved photoemission …
but negligible spin-orbit coupling. Using spin-and angle-resolved photoemission …
Exploring heavy fermions from macroscopic to microscopic length scales
S Wirth, F Steglich - Nature Reviews Materials, 2016 -
Strongly correlated systems present fundamental challenges, especially in materials in
which electronic correlations cause a strong increase of the effective mass of the charge …
which electronic correlations cause a strong increase of the effective mass of the charge …
Tuning Bulk and Surface Conduction in the Proposed Topological Kondo Insulator
Bulk and surface state contributions to the electrical resistance of single-crystal samples of
the topological Kondo-insulator compound SmB 6 are investigated as a function of crystal …
the topological Kondo-insulator compound SmB 6 are investigated as a function of crystal …