Cognitive control of escape behaviour
When faced with potential predators, animals instinctively decide whether there is a threat
they should escape from, and also when, how, and where to take evasive action. While …
they should escape from, and also when, how, and where to take evasive action. While …
Determinants of uncertainty in wildlife responses to human disturbance
Z Tablado, L Jenni - Biological Reviews, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Outdoor recreation is increasing in intensity and space. Areas previously inaccessible are
now being visited by ever‐growing numbers of people, which increases human–wildlife …
now being visited by ever‐growing numbers of people, which increases human–wildlife …
Reality as the leading cause of stress: rethinking the impact of chronic stress in nature
R Boonstra - Functional Ecology, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Chronic activation of the stress axis caused by long‐term uncontrollable and unpredictable
factors in the environment has been regarded as causing maladaptive and/or pathological …
factors in the environment has been regarded as causing maladaptive and/or pathological …
Minimizing predation risk in a landscape of multiple predators: effects on the spatial distribution of African ungulates
Studies that focus on single predator–prey interactions can be inadequate for understanding
antipredator responses in multi‐predator systems. Yet there is still a general lack of …
antipredator responses in multi‐predator systems. Yet there is still a general lack of …
Behavioral syndromes as evolutionary constraints
Behaviors are commonly correlated between individuals in so-called “behavioral
syndromes.” Between-individual correlations of phenotypic traits can change the trajectories …
syndromes.” Between-individual correlations of phenotypic traits can change the trajectories …
Learning in non‐avian reptiles 40 years on: advances and promising new directions
Recently, there has been a surge in cognition research using non‐avian reptile systems. As
a diverse group of animals, non‐avian reptiles [turtles, the tuatara, crocodylians, and …
a diverse group of animals, non‐avian reptiles [turtles, the tuatara, crocodylians, and …
Animal reactions to oncoming vehicles: a conceptual review
Animal–vehicle collisions (AVC s) are a substantial problem in a human‐dominated world,
but little is known about what goes wrong, from the animal's perspective, when a collision …
but little is known about what goes wrong, from the animal's perspective, when a collision …
Wind farms have cascading impacts on ecosystems across trophic levels
Wind farms are a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels for mitigating the effects of climate
change, but they also have complex ecological consequences. In the biodiversity hotspot of …
change, but they also have complex ecological consequences. In the biodiversity hotspot of …
On again, off again: acute stress response and negative feedback together predict resilience to experimental challenges
Individuals often vary markedly in their ability to cope with stressors, but the drivers of this
variation remain poorly understood. Many studies have tested relationships among …
variation remain poorly understood. Many studies have tested relationships among …
Co** styles vary with species' sociality and life history: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis
RA Duckworth, KC Chenard, L Meza… - … & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
Despite a long history of animal studies investigating co** styles, the causal connections
between behavior and stress physiology remain unclear. Consistency across taxa in effect …
between behavior and stress physiology remain unclear. Consistency across taxa in effect …