Four errors and a fallacy: pitfalls for the unwary in comparative brain analyses
Comparative analyses are the backbone of evolutionary analysis. However, their record in
producing a consensus has not always been good. This is especially true of attempts to …
producing a consensus has not always been good. This is especially true of attempts to …
Heliconiini butterflies as a case study in evolutionary cognitive ecology: behavioural innovation and mushroom body expansion
The evolutionary relationships between ecology, cognition, and neurobiology remain
elusive, despite important contributions from functional studies and comparative analyses …
elusive, despite important contributions from functional studies and comparative analyses …
A cautionary note on “A cautionary note on the use of Ornstein Uhlenbeck models in macroevolutionary studies”
Abstract Models based on the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process have become standard for the
comparative study of adaptation. have cast doubt on this practice by claiming statistical …
comparative study of adaptation. have cast doubt on this practice by claiming statistical …
Three modes of evolution? Remarks on rates of evolution and time scaling
TF Hansen - Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Rates of evolution get smaller when they are measured over longer time intervals. As first
shown by Gingerich, rates of morphological change measured from fossil time series show a …
shown by Gingerich, rates of morphological change measured from fossil time series show a …
[HTML][HTML] We are what, when, and how we eat: the evolutionary impact of dietary shifts on physical and cognitive development, health, and disease
Abstract “We are what, when, and how we eat”: the evolution of human dietary habits mirrors
the evolution of humans themselves. Key developments in human history, such as the …
the evolution of humans themselves. Key developments in human history, such as the …
Blouch: Bayesian Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Comparative Hypotheses
M Grabowski - Systematic biology, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Relationships among species in the tree of life can complicate comparative methods and
testing adaptive hypotheses. Models based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process permit …
testing adaptive hypotheses. Models based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process permit …
Short-term memory, attentional control and brain size in primates
Brain size variability in primates has been attributed to various domain-specific socio-
ecological factors. A recently published large-scale study of short-term memory abilities in …
ecological factors. A recently published large-scale study of short-term memory abilities in …
An Ecological and Neural Argument for Develo** Pursuit-Based Cognitive Enrichment for Sea Lions in Human Care
Simple Summary In order to address the physical and mental needs of animals in captivity,
scientists and animal care personnel have developed a number of enrichment strategies …
scientists and animal care personnel have developed a number of enrichment strategies …
Adaptation in the Alleyways: Candidate genes under potential selection in urban coyotes
In the context of evolutionary time, cities are an extremely recent development. Although our
understanding of how urbanization alters ecosystems is well developed, empirical work …
understanding of how urbanization alters ecosystems is well developed, empirical work …
Serial visual reversal learning in captive black-handed spider monkeys, Ateles geoffroyi
Recent research suggests that socio-ecological factors such as dietary specialization and
social complexity may be drivers of advanced cognitive skills among primates. Therefore, we …
social complexity may be drivers of advanced cognitive skills among primates. Therefore, we …