The serverless computing survey: A technical primer for design architecture
The development of cloud infrastructures inspires the emergence of cloud-native computing.
As the most promising architecture for deploying microservices, serverless computing has …
As the most promising architecture for deploying microservices, serverless computing has …
Rise of the planet of serverless computing: A systematic review
Serverless computing is an emerging cloud computing paradigm, being adopted to develop
a wide range of software applications. It allows developers to focus on the application logic …
a wide range of software applications. It allows developers to focus on the application logic …
Icebreaker: Warming serverless functions better with heterogeneity
Serverless computing, an emerging computing model, relies on" warming up" functions prior
to its anticipated execution for faster and cost-effective service to users. Unfortunately …
to its anticipated execution for faster and cost-effective service to users. Unfortunately …
Serverless computing: a survey of opportunities, challenges, and applications
The emerging serverless computing paradigm has attracted attention from both academia
and industry. This paradigm brings benefits such as less operational complexity, a pay-as …
and industry. This paradigm brings benefits such as less operational complexity, a pay-as …
Spright: extracting the server from serverless computing! high-performance ebpf-based event-driven, shared-memory processing
Serverless computing promises an efficient, low-cost compute capability in cloud
environments. However, existing solutions, epitomized by open-source platforms such as …
environments. However, existing solutions, epitomized by open-source platforms such as …
A holistic view on resource management in serverless computing environments: Taxonomy and future directions
Serverless computing has emerged as an attractive deployment option for cloud
applications in recent times. The unique features of this computing model include rapid auto …
applications in recent times. The unique features of this computing model include rapid auto …
Faasflow: Enable efficient workflow execution for function-as-a-service
Serverless computing (Function-as-a-Service) provides fine-grain resource sharing by
running functions (or Lambdas) in containers. Data-dependent functions are required to be …
running functions (or Lambdas) in containers. Data-dependent functions are required to be …
Atoll: A scalable low-latency serverless platform
With user-facing apps adopting serverless computing, good latency performance of
serverless platforms has become a strong fundamental requirement. However, it is difficult to …
serverless platforms has become a strong fundamental requirement. However, it is difficult to …
Kraken: Adaptive container provisioning for deploying dynamic dags in serverless platforms
The growing popularity of microservices has led to the proliferation of online cloud service-
based applications, which are typically modelled as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) …
based applications, which are typically modelled as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) …
FaaSLight: General Application-level Cold-start Latency Optimization for Function-as-a-Service in Serverless Computing
Serverless computing is a popular cloud computing paradigm that frees developers from
server management. Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is the most popular implementation of …
server management. Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is the most popular implementation of …