Perilaku sosial emosional anak usia dini

ART Dewi, M Mayasarokh… - Jurnal Golden …, 2020 -
Anak usia dini merupakan individu yang unik dan mengalami perkembangan yang pesat
pada setiap aspek perkembangan yang akan membawanya pada perubahan dalam aspek …

Konsep perkembangan sosial emosional anak usia dini di RA Tarbiyatussibyan Ploso Karangtengah Demak

A Fitriya, I Indriani - Jurnal Raudhah, 2022 -
Perkembangan sosial emosional merupakan salah satu aspek perkembangan yang sangat
penting bagi setiap anak karena merupakan salah satu faktor penentu kesuksesannya di …

[HTML][HTML] The development of teachers' and their students' social and emotional learning during the “Learning to Be Project”-Training course in five European countries

M Berg, M Talvio, L Hietajärvi, I Benítez… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
In recent years, the school curricula in many European countries have introduced social and
emotional learning (SEL). This calls for the teachers to have SEL competencies. The present …

The Effect of Professional Training on In-service Secondary School Physics' Teachers' Motivation to Use Problem-Based Learning

ST Kanyesigye, J Uwamahoro, I Kemeza - International Journal of Learning …, 2022 -
Professional training for in-service teachers is at an utmost level to improve their teaching
practices. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effect of professional training on in …

The life-skills program Lions Quest in Austrian schools: implementation and outcomes

M Matischek-Jauk, G Krammer… - Health promotion …, 2018 -
This article investigates the importance of implementation level for the effectiveness of the
school-based life skills program Lions Quest in a sample of Austrian students (n= 363 from …

Maintaining the quality of problem-based learning in develo** countries during the pandemic era

IBAP Manuaba, GP Supadmanaba… - Indonesia Journal …, 2022 -
The COVID-19 pandemic is referred to as an unpredictable phenomenon and a challenge
that stimulates change, one of which is in the field of medical education. Online learning as …

Teacher Professional Development Program (TPDP) for Teacher Quality in STEAM Education.

MPE Morales, FM Mercado, CP Palisoc… - International Journal of …, 2021 - ERIC
The study implemented and evaluated a TPDP for the sampled 106 STEAM (science,
technology, engineering, agri-fisheries, mathematics) teachers. The study used participatory …

Sozial-emotionales Lernen in der Schule Konzepte–Potenziale–Evidenzbasierung

H Reicher, M Matischek-Jauk - Bildung und Emotion, 2018 - Springer
Emotionen spielen im Schulalltag eine große Rolle. In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten legen
Forschungsarbeiten eine stärkere Verzahnung von emotionalen und sozialen Aspekten …

Pengaruh Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Dan Literasi Digital Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Pada Mahasiswa Ekonomi Syari'ah IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

CD Fatonnah, D Djuwita… - Hawalah: Kajian Ilmu …, 2022 -
Minat pada dasarnya tidak bisa dipaksakan pada diri seseorang. Menumbuhkan minat
untuk berwirausaha perlu sebuah rangsangan terlebih dahulu agar seseorang bertindak …

Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence program as a school intervention to prevent substance use—A pilot study across three south east European countries

W Maalouf, M Stojanovic, M Kiefer, G Campello… - Prevention science, 2019 - Springer
Abstract Development of personal and social skills in a classroom prevents later drug use
and alcohol abuse, and influence-related risk factors. However, clinical trials on the potential …