Perilaku sosial emosional anak usia dini
Anak usia dini merupakan individu yang unik dan mengalami perkembangan yang pesat
pada setiap aspek perkembangan yang akan membawanya pada perubahan dalam aspek …
pada setiap aspek perkembangan yang akan membawanya pada perubahan dalam aspek …
Konsep perkembangan sosial emosional anak usia dini di RA Tarbiyatussibyan Ploso Karangtengah Demak
A Fitriya, I Indriani - Jurnal Raudhah, 2022 - jurnaltarbiyah.uinsu.ac.id
Perkembangan sosial emosional merupakan salah satu aspek perkembangan yang sangat
penting bagi setiap anak karena merupakan salah satu faktor penentu kesuksesannya di …
penting bagi setiap anak karena merupakan salah satu faktor penentu kesuksesannya di …
[HTML][HTML] The development of teachers' and their students' social and emotional learning during the “Learning to Be Project”-Training course in five European countries
In recent years, the school curricula in many European countries have introduced social and
emotional learning (SEL). This calls for the teachers to have SEL competencies. The present …
emotional learning (SEL). This calls for the teachers to have SEL competencies. The present …
The Effect of Professional Training on In-service Secondary School Physics' Teachers' Motivation to Use Problem-Based Learning
ST Kanyesigye, J Uwamahoro, I Kemeza - International Journal of Learning …, 2022 - ijlter.net
Professional training for in-service teachers is at an utmost level to improve their teaching
practices. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effect of professional training on in …
practices. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effect of professional training on in …
The life-skills program Lions Quest in Austrian schools: implementation and outcomes
This article investigates the importance of implementation level for the effectiveness of the
school-based life skills program Lions Quest in a sample of Austrian students (n= 363 from …
school-based life skills program Lions Quest in a sample of Austrian students (n= 363 from …
Maintaining the quality of problem-based learning in develo** countries during the pandemic era
IBAP Manuaba, GP Supadmanaba… - Indonesia Journal …, 2022 - ijbs-udayana.ejournals.ca
The COVID-19 pandemic is referred to as an unpredictable phenomenon and a challenge
that stimulates change, one of which is in the field of medical education. Online learning as …
that stimulates change, one of which is in the field of medical education. Online learning as …
Teacher Professional Development Program (TPDP) for Teacher Quality in STEAM Education.
The study implemented and evaluated a TPDP for the sampled 106 STEAM (science,
technology, engineering, agri-fisheries, mathematics) teachers. The study used participatory …
technology, engineering, agri-fisheries, mathematics) teachers. The study used participatory …
Sozial-emotionales Lernen in der Schule Konzepte–Potenziale–Evidenzbasierung
H Reicher, M Matischek-Jauk - Bildung und Emotion, 2018 - Springer
Emotionen spielen im Schulalltag eine große Rolle. In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten legen
Forschungsarbeiten eine stärkere Verzahnung von emotionalen und sozialen Aspekten …
Forschungsarbeiten eine stärkere Verzahnung von emotionalen und sozialen Aspekten …
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Dan Literasi Digital Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Pada Mahasiswa Ekonomi Syari'ah IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
CD Fatonnah, D Djuwita… - Hawalah: Kajian Ilmu …, 2022 - hawalah.staiku.ac.id
Minat pada dasarnya tidak bisa dipaksakan pada diri seseorang. Menumbuhkan minat
untuk berwirausaha perlu sebuah rangsangan terlebih dahulu agar seseorang bertindak …
untuk berwirausaha perlu sebuah rangsangan terlebih dahulu agar seseorang bertindak …
Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence program as a school intervention to prevent substance use—A pilot study across three south east European countries
W Maalouf, M Stojanovic, M Kiefer, G Campello… - Prevention science, 2019 - Springer
Abstract Development of personal and social skills in a classroom prevents later drug use
and alcohol abuse, and influence-related risk factors. However, clinical trials on the potential …
and alcohol abuse, and influence-related risk factors. However, clinical trials on the potential …