Epigenetic gene regulation in plants and its potential applications in crop improvement
DNA methylation, also known as 5-methylcytosine, is an epigenetic modification that has
crucial functions in plant growth, development and adaptation. The cellular DNA methylation …
crucial functions in plant growth, development and adaptation. The cellular DNA methylation …
Molecular mechanisms of the RNA polymerases in plant RNA-directed DNA methylation
G **e, X Du, H Hu, J Du - Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2024 - cell.com
In plants, two atypical DNA-dependent RNA polymerases, RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV) and
Pol V, and an RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2) together produce …
Pol V, and an RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2) together produce …
Pol IV and RDR2: a two-RNA-polymerase machine that produces double-stranded RNA
DNA methylation affects gene expression and maintains genome integrity. The DNA-
dependent RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV), together with the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase …
dependent RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV), together with the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase …
Cotranscriptional RNA processing and modification in plants
The activities of RNA polymerases shape the epigenetic landscape of genomes with
profound consequences for genome integrity and gene expression. A fundamental event …
profound consequences for genome integrity and gene expression. A fundamental event …
[HTML][HTML] The biosynthesis process of small RNA and its pivotal roles in plant development
Q Li, Y Wang, Z Sun, H Li, H Liu - International Journal of Molecular …, 2024 - mdpi.com
In the realm of plant biology, small RNAs (sRNAs) are imperative in the orchestration of
gene expression, playing pivotal roles across a spectrum of developmental sequences and …
gene expression, playing pivotal roles across a spectrum of developmental sequences and …
Structure and RNA template requirements of Arabidopsis RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2
RNA-dependent RNA polymerases play essential roles in RNA-mediated gene silencing in
eukaryotes. In Arabidopsis, RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2) physically …
eukaryotes. In Arabidopsis, RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2) physically …
RNA-directed DNA methylation mutants reduce histone methylation at the paramutated maize booster1 enhancer
Paramutation is the transfer of mitotically and meiotically heritable silencing information
between two alleles. With paramutation at the maize (Zea mays) booster1 (b1) locus, the low …
between two alleles. With paramutation at the maize (Zea mays) booster1 (b1) locus, the low …
A DCL3 dicing code within Pol IV-RDR2 transcripts diversifies the siRNA pool guiding RNA-directed DNA methylation
In plants, selfish genetic elements, including retrotransposons and DNA viruses, are
transcriptionally silenced by RNA-directed DNA methylation. Guiding the process are short …
transcriptionally silenced by RNA-directed DNA methylation. Guiding the process are short …
Dot‐blotting: a quick method for expression analysis of recombinant proteins
V Mishra - Current protocols, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Expressing recombinant proteins in heterologous host cells is a prerequisite for purification
and other downstream processes. Cell cultures require a protein expression test to optimize …
and other downstream processes. Cell cultures require a protein expression test to optimize …
CLSY docking to Pol IV requires a conserved domain critical for small RNA biogenesis and transposon silencing
Eukaryotes must balance the need for gene transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II)
against the danger of mutations caused by transposable element (TE) proliferation. In plants …
against the danger of mutations caused by transposable element (TE) proliferation. In plants …