Development and validation of p‐y modeling approach for seismic response predictions of highway bridges
This study aims to realistically simulate the seismic responses of typical highway bridges in
California with considerations of soil–structure interaction effects. The p‐y modeling …
California with considerations of soil–structure interaction effects. The p‐y modeling …
Dynamic characteristics and viscous dampers design for pile‐soil‐structure system
J Yang, H **g, P Li - The Structural Design of Tall and Special …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
A series of large‐scale shaking table tests are conducted on tall buildings with and without
energy dissipation devices on soft soils in pile group foundations, representing pile‐soil …
energy dissipation devices on soft soils in pile group foundations, representing pile‐soil …
Seismic response of the Eureka Channel bridge-foundation system
Recorded earthquake motions from the highly instrumented Eureka Channel bridge-
foundation system have been compiled and made available by the California Geological …
foundation system have been compiled and made available by the California Geological …
[KNYGA][B] Seismic modeling, quantifying and protection of highway bridges considering shaking and lateral spreading
Y **e - 2017 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation systematically addresses the modeling, quantifying, and protection of
highway bridges against earthquake hazards. Firstly, the research substantially improves …
highway bridges against earthquake hazards. Firstly, the research substantially improves …
Assessment of the Samoa Channel Bridge-foundation seismic response
Recorded earthquake motions from the extensively instrumented Samoa Channel Bridge
provide valuable information on the mechanisms of structural response during seismic …
provide valuable information on the mechanisms of structural response during seismic …
Comfort level identification for irregular multi-storey building
In this article, the system identification approach is being used to identify the vertical
frequencies of the top storey in a multi-storey building prefabricated from reinforced concrete …
frequencies of the top storey in a multi-storey building prefabricated from reinforced concrete …
[PDF][PDF] Identification of building damage using ARMAX model: A parametric study
The Structural Identification approach is used to identify and localize the existence of
damage for a steel frame. The black box linear parametric model called Auto-Regressive …
damage for a steel frame. The black box linear parametric model called Auto-Regressive …
[PDF][PDF] Modal Parameter Identification of a Ten Story Soil Structure Interaction Model
Modal parameter identification of structures which include the effect of soil-structure
interaction is under research in the current decade. Small amplitude deformation and …
interaction is under research in the current decade. Small amplitude deformation and …
Modal identification of seismically isolated bridges with piers having different heights
This paper investigates the modal identification of seismically isolated bridges when the
localised nonlinear behaviour from the isolation bearing initiates at different times due to the …
localised nonlinear behaviour from the isolation bearing initiates at different times due to the …
Μέτρηση υψίσυχνων ταλαντώσεων με GPS δειγματοληψίας 100Hz
Θ Μόσχας - 2014 - didaktorika.gr
Στην παρούσα διατριβή διερευνήθηκε για πρώτη φορά η δυνατότητα επέκτασης του ορίου
εφαρμογής της γεωδαιτικής μεθόδου μέτρησης μετακινήσεων σε πλέον άκαμπτες (υψίσυχνες) …
εφαρμογής της γεωδαιτικής μεθόδου μέτρησης μετακινήσεων σε πλέον άκαμπτες (υψίσυχνες) …