The cosmological constant problem
S Weinberg - Reviews of modern physics, 1989 - APS
The cosmological constant problem Page 1 The cosmological constant problem Steven
Weinberg Theory Group, Department ofPhysics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 7871Z …
Weinberg Theory Group, Department ofPhysics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 7871Z …
The geometry of string perturbation theory
This paper is devoted to recent progress made towards the understanding of closed bosonic
and fermionic string perturbation theory, formulated in a Lorentz-covariant way on Euclidean …
and fermionic string perturbation theory, formulated in a Lorentz-covariant way on Euclidean …
The string landscape, the swampland, and the missing corner
We give a brief overview of the string landscape and techniques used to construct string
compactifications. We then explain how this motivates the notion of the swampland and …
compactifications. We then explain how this motivates the notion of the swampland and …
Out of this world supersymmetry breaking
L Randall, R Sundrum - Nuclear Physics B, 1999 - Elsevier
We show that in a general hidden sector model, supersymmetry breaking necessarily
generates at one loop a scalar and gaugino mass as a consequence of the super-Weyl …
generates at one loop a scalar and gaugino mass as a consequence of the super-Weyl …
[PDF][PDF] Strings on orbifolds
The most thoroughly understood example of superstring compactification is compactification
on a fiat torus [1]. This example is exactly soluble and obeys all of the equations of string …
on a fiat torus [1]. This example is exactly soluble and obeys all of the equations of string …
A possible new dimension at a few TeV
I Antoniadis - Physics Letters B, 1990 - Elsevier
We examine the possibility of the existence of a large internal dimension at relatively low
energies of the order of a few TeV. Such a dimension is a general prediction of perturbative …
energies of the order of a few TeV. Such a dimension is a general prediction of perturbative …
Strings on orbifolds (II)
A general framework for analyzing string propagation on the quotient of a manifold by a
discrete group is presented. The conditions necessary for modular invariance and absence …
discrete group is presented. The conditions necessary for modular invariance and absence …
[KNJIGA][B] Effective action in quantum gravity
IL Buchbinder - 2017 -
In part one of Effective Action in Quantum Gravity, the book describes the principles of
quantum field theory and the significance of and theory behind effective action. Part two …
quantum field theory and the significance of and theory behind effective action. Part two …
The Hagedorn transition and the number of degrees of freedom of string theory
JJ Atick, E Witten - Nuclear Physics B, 1988 - Elsevier
Extending recent discussions of the Hagedorn transition in string theory, we argue that this
transition is a first-order phase transition with a very large heat (corresponding to a genus …
transition is a first-order phase transition with a very large heat (corresponding to a genus …
[KNJIGA][B] Zeta regularization techniques with applications
E Elizalde - 1994 -
This book is the result of several years of work by the authors on different aspects of zeta
functions and related topics. The aim is twofold. On one hand, a considerable number of …
functions and related topics. The aim is twofold. On one hand, a considerable number of …