Dynamics of non-Markovian open quantum systems
Open quantum systems (OQSs) cannot always be described with the Markov approximation,
which requires a large separation of system and environment time scales. An overview is …
which requires a large separation of system and environment time scales. An overview is …
Dissipative production of a maximally entangled steady state of two quantum bits
Entangled states are a key resource in fundamental quantum physics, quantum
cryptography and quantum computation. Introduction of controlled unitary processes …
cryptography and quantum computation. Introduction of controlled unitary processes …
Noise-assisted digital quantum simulation of open systems using partial probabilistic error cancellation
Quantum systems are inherently open and susceptible to environmental noise, which can
have both detrimental and beneficial effects on their dynamics. This phenomenon has been …
have both detrimental and beneficial effects on their dynamics. This phenomenon has been …
Implementation of quantum and classical discrete fractional Fourier transforms
Fourier transforms, integer and fractional, are ubiquitous mathematical tools in basic and
applied science. Certainly, since the ordinary Fourier transform is merely a particular case of …
applied science. Certainly, since the ordinary Fourier transform is merely a particular case of …
Scalable dissipative preparation of many-body entanglement
We present a technique for the dissipative preparation of highly entangled multiparticle
states of atoms coupled to common oscillator modes. By combining local spontaneous …
states of atoms coupled to common oscillator modes. By combining local spontaneous …
Characterizing quantum dynamics with initial system-environment correlations
We fully characterize the reduced dynamics of an open quantum system initially correlated
with its environment. Using a photonic qubit coupled to a simulated environment, we …
with its environment. Using a photonic qubit coupled to a simulated environment, we …
Fixing detailed balance in ancilla-based dissipative state engineering
Dissipative state engineering is a general term for a protocol which prepares the ground
state of a complex many-body Hamiltonian using engineered dissipation or engineered …
state of a complex many-body Hamiltonian using engineered dissipation or engineered …
Dissipative quantum control of a spin chain
A protocol is discussed for preparing a spin chain in a generic many-body state in the
asymptotic limit of tailored nonunitary dynamics. The dynamics require the spectral …
asymptotic limit of tailored nonunitary dynamics. The dynamics require the spectral …
Initialization of quantum simulators by sympathetic cooling
Simulating computationally intractable many-body problems on a quantum simulator holds
great potential to deliver insights into physical, chemical, and biological systems. While the …
great potential to deliver insights into physical, chemical, and biological systems. While the …
Photon-Mediated Interactions: A Scalable Tool to Create and Sustain Entangled States of Atoms
We propose and study the use of photon-mediated interactions for the generation of long-
range steady-state entanglement between N atoms. Through the judicious use of coherent …
range steady-state entanglement between N atoms. Through the judicious use of coherent …