Question-asking in childhood: A review of the literature and a framework for understanding its development
Children's ability to query others is remarkable because it attests to their coordination of a
range of complex cognitive capacities and because it allows them to initiate and redirect …
range of complex cognitive capacities and because it allows them to initiate and redirect …
Evaluating the robustness of parameter estimates in cognitive models: A meta-analytic review of multinomial processing tree models across the multiverse of …
Researchers have become increasingly aware that data-analysis decisions affect results.
Here, we examine this issue systematically for multinomial processing tree (MPT) models, a …
Here, we examine this issue systematically for multinomial processing tree (MPT) models, a …
[CARTE][B] Taming uncertainty
An examination of the cognitive tools that the mind uses to grapple with uncertainty in the
real world. How do humans navigate uncertainty, continuously making near-effortless …
real world. How do humans navigate uncertainty, continuously making near-effortless …
[HTML][HTML] Heterogeneity of rules in Bayesian reasoning: A toolbox analysis
How do people infer the Bayesian posterior probability from stated base rate, hit rate, and
false alarm rate? This question is not only of theoretical relevance but also of practical …
false alarm rate? This question is not only of theoretical relevance but also of practical …
Preschoolers decide who is knowledgeable, who to inform, and who to trust via a causal understanding of how knowledge relates to action
Preschoolers are discerning learners, preferring to trust people who are accurate, reliable,
and appropriately-informed. Do these preferences reflect mental-state reasoning, where …
and appropriately-informed. Do these preferences reflect mental-state reasoning, where …
Knowledge updating in real-world estimation: Connecting hindsight bias and seeding effects.
When people estimate the quantities of objects (eg, country populations), are then presented
with the objects' actual quantities, and subsequently asked to remember their initial …
with the objects' actual quantities, and subsequently asked to remember their initial …
Strategies for memory-based decision making: Modeling behavioral and neural signatures within a cognitive architecture
How do people use memories to make inferences about real-world objects? We tested three
strategies based on predicted patterns of response times and blood-oxygen-level …
strategies based on predicted patterns of response times and blood-oxygen-level …
Linking process and measurement models of recognition-based decisions.
When making inferences about pairs of objects, one of which is recognized and the other is
not, the recognition heuristic states that participants choose the recognized object in a …
not, the recognition heuristic states that participants choose the recognized object in a …
A developmental perspective on option generation and selection.
Little is known about how children generate options for taking action in familiar situations or
how they select which action option to actually perform. In this article, we explore the …
how they select which action option to actually perform. In this article, we explore the …
A systematic review of physical–digital play technology and developmentally relevant child behaviour
New interactive physical–digital play technologies are sha** the way children play. These
technologies refer to digital play technologies that engage children in analogue (non-digital) …
technologies refer to digital play technologies that engage children in analogue (non-digital) …